Part 17: Hazel and the Second Personality

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(Yeah, I gave big boy Mitchell a chapter now-)


With a weakened sigh I stared at the ceiling. I couldn't be bothered to do anything else here in this void. Protecting the dead isn't my work, Absentia took that over. But since a few weeks he was gone, which was starting to bother me a lot.
And forced me to do his work for him.
I groaned tiredly when the faint ringing of a bell could be heard. Of course someone would be here.
You see, unlike Absentia, I know who came without waiting for weeks. Absentia had to wait until the name was visible.
It keeps confusing me who the hell chose him for that job then.
I sat up to push myself into a standing position. Once I was up, I walked over, peaking into the hut with the newly filled glass pillar. Someone was already inside, but they were really small. Like, kid-size.
I frowned and looked for the nameplate, confused.
A nut... How uninteresting. I haven't had any nut yet, and yes, that was meant in two ways.
I sighed quietly and left again after making sure she'd be fine. Hazel... She was here before once, which confused me. And not even that long ago.
I let out a weak sigh, not liking this. It's a young child, and she's been here more often than Herobrine himself.
Which is already a hard number to top.
I'm not even gonna get into how many times Nightmare died tho.
I left the hut and went back into the Darkness, trying to relax there. This was shaking me up for some reasons, and I hated it.
So I waited quietly.

After multiple days she was completely healed up. I went back to the house and waited before peaking inside. Hazel was just in her tube, floating there.
With a heavy sigh I went to the tube and disconnected the cables again, lowering the water levels with the flip of a switch. The water drained and lowered her to the bottom of the tube. I watched quietly as the shadow girl started waking up, looking up at me with her hazel brown eyes. She looked surprised that it's not the usual Seraphim she met, but me. But she didn't mind as she got, trailing a finger over her new scar on her neck.
"W-y ar- y-- h-er-?", she tried to ask, but not being able to talk all that well. I frowned a bit and glanced around. She definitely won't understand me, that's for sure. So I looked back at her, just trying it. "Uhm... I guess that you didn't expect me here?", I asked. To my big surprise she nodded. "Wait, you can understand me?", I almost screeched, shocked. She nodded again, smiling happily. "Ye!", she giggled. I kinda stared at her, not knowing what to do. This was... Weird to say the least.
Why did I feel bad for a child sitting in that tube, a child that has absolutely no one and is in dire need of parenting?! She couldn't even talk, she probably never learned it!
I turned away for a moment, helplessly biting my claw.
I'm supposed to be the heartless side of Nightmare. Cold, brutal, murderous. But clever. Chekra is emotionless and obeys every command, but he's not a personality. He's just a ghost. A spirit of the past.
I let out another sigh and finally turned back to the child. Hazel watched me, head tilted while I tried to find a working way. I'm not used to having children, I never took care of one and had prayed I wouldn't need to...! I'm not very responsible when it comes to younger beings, especially Shadows!
I helplessly stared at her before remembering something.
Jay and Notch don't have a kid, but Notch has been bothering Jay to get one since a while.
The two never even tried getting one, but that's fine-
I decided to bring her there. Very carefully I took her out of the glass tube, not wanting to accidentally scratch her with my claws. She looked at them in awe, poking them a bit.
I already tensed up, not wanting her to get hurt. She didn't seem to mind tho, hugging my hand tightly. She was only as big as my lower arm. I mean, yeah, I'm 3,15m tall, but still...! She's so tiny!!!
I kept her close and made my way back to the portal, jumping the gap as usual. Hazel held onto me, watching us quickly move far away from the small hut, seemingly still in awe.
Once at the destroyed portal, I lit it with a quick snip of my claws, which immediately made a spark ignite. She gasped and tried to catch it before it hit the obsidian, but she missed and so the portal lit up.
I chuckled a bit before immediately going silent, shocked.
I... Chuckled...?
This was pretty rare actually.
A bit confused I stood there for a few moments before just shaking my head and jumping into the portal, hoping that it's not the wrong one.
Luckily it wasn't, we arrived in the Overworld, safe and sound. We were currently in a forest with a massive black stone in the middle of it a clearing that had trees and rocks ripped out. The stone looked like it had an eye that got completely ripped open, purple lines flowing down like blood. A few meters away was a rock that was slip, covered in some red lines.
It looked like a scene from a battle.
I put Hazel onto my back and walked to the house, humming. She held onto me, hiding in my wings. I glanced over my shoulder at her, noticing she enjoyed it there. She peaked out from beneath my wing, giggling happily.
I smiled a bit and trotted to the house with the others, hoping they'd accept her.
If not...
I suppose I might as well keep her!

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