Everything Happens For a Reason

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Phoebe's POV

Phoebeez: Haha, yes. I do work as a stylist! But i'm working as an intern right now haha

JaayR: Really? That's so awesome, I can't do anything, actually. Except play some instruments and sing.  

Phoebeez: I can't sing, I wish I could though. :(

JaayR: I"m sure you could! Believe in yourself! 

You may be wondering. 'Who the fuck is JaayR?'. And my answer to that is, I don't know. He randomly started talking to me and Kik.. and we... clicked? We never shared personal things, like our names, where we lived. We don't know each other's name's and we promised we're going to keep it that way. He knows everyting about me. I know everything about him.

I know that he's in a band. I think he told me what about, but I never bothered to search it up. He's 27. He had a drug addiction back then, but he overcame through it. Which I found was amzing. He's mentioned that he like's Coke Zero, which I found utterly disgusting. I hated Coke Zero. We're practically the opposite, but we ignore it and talk about anything that's happened to us.

This is my story about the guy I met over the internet. 

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