Chapter One

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I groggily walked down my apartment stairs, why do I have to be up so early? I was an intern for 604 record, I was supposed to be helping around and shit. I volunteered for this because I needed it, I wanted to be a producer and this was the 'first step'. I was going to work here for a year, then move on to learning about being a producer.

I glanced at my stove, making sure it was turned off. I drove to 604. I turned the radio on, making sure that it was on the right station. I hummed along to the familiar songs an bobbed my head to the others. Once I got there, I rolled my eyes. Of course no one was here, it was 5:15 AM, for gods sake! I unplugged my phone from my speakers and walked of my car, making sure to lock it before I went inside. 

"Hello, your name must be Phoebe?" The girl in the front desk asked.

I nodded. "Phoebe Kern, yes." She nodded. "Um, Jonathan told me it was your free day today, walk around, try to know things, ok? If you ever get lost here's the map." She said, handing me a mini map. "Thank you." I nodded at her and walked away.

I examined the studios slowly, one caught my eye. 

Purple, guitar's all over the place. 

I decided to take a look inside, it wouldn't hurt, right? 

I slowly opened the door and smiled. There was guitars plastered on the walls, a small piano in the back, and the actual recording room. 

I sat down on the piano bench, taking in the environment. 

I heard the door open and I froze. 



lol, cliffy! :D 

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