look how the tables turned

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curt looked up at owen. this was the end, wasn't it? owen was too far gone. but, curt still loved him. he knew he couldn't kill him. so, he stared up at him. at those cold eyes.


curt felt himself stumble back, trying to find something to grip onto as he felt himself fall. his feet met air. he was falling.

a hand grabbed onto his, holding him back from falling farther.


owen's eyes weren't stone anymore. they weren't strong. or brave.

he looked scared

curt had never seen that before

fear in his eyes

"curt-" his voice barely broke through the air as he reached for curt "i'm sorry- please grab my hand"

curt felt the blood soak his shirt. he felt his body grow weak.

"look how the tables turned, eh, Carvour?" he smiled weakly. but this only made owen's eyes fill with tears.

his hand was slipping. owen frantically tried to keep him up. curt mega. the dumbest man he had ever met. the idiot who almost got him killed more times than he could count. the idiot he had fallen in love with.

"curt, please-"

"i love you." the words barely made it to owen. he didn't have time to respond, before curt let go.

from the boat outside, tatiana could hear the faint scream of a broken man

a broken man who had lost the love of his life

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