the blood never leaves

21 2 0

"i'll never let you down"

the world would never move slower. never again in curt's life. not as he saw owen begin to fall. his hand reaching out, his eyes wide in fear. 

he wasn't fast enough. 

he couldn't catch owen's hand in time

now, his body laid crumpled on the floor

he looked lifeless. 

he hadn't gotten to him in time


he could try

curt didn't know what was happening, but he didn't care. he ran down the flight of stairs, nothing in the world could sepperate him from his partner

"o- it's going to be okay" he could barely choke out his words, using all of his will to pick owen up. but, as a bullet lodged itself into curt's body, reality sank in. he couldn't make it in time. 

"i love you, owen. im sorry. i love you-"

as the bombs detonated, the facility was blown to the ground. curt thought they would both be dead


owen survived

curts only wish became reality

owen survived

he'd hoped that his last words would be remembered 

but the words that echoed in owens brain we're not 

i love you


"i would never let you down"

as chimera's parasites buried themselves into owen's every bone

he grew to loathe him

the man who he danced with in empty safe houses

the man whos smile was infectious as the flu

the man who he loved

the man whos body had to be pried from owen in the ruins of the facility

he hated him

but by the time he found out the truth

it was too late

as he stared down at his blood stained hands

he feared death 

because what would curt do  

if he saw what he had become

owen didn't believe it at first. curt was dead

curt was dead

he had been dead for 4 years

but as it slowly sank in, he didn't want to believe it. believe that he had done all this 

for nothing

all those people 


for revenge against the man he loved

the man whose name he read over and over, as if those letters would change on that paper, clutched tightly by his blood stained hands

owen's now shaky voice read the lines over again

"agent Curtis Mega

born 19??, died 19??

a bullet was found lodged in Mega's torso, barely missing critical organs

the time of the explosion, 22:20

estimated time of death, 23:45
no surviving camera footage showed any attempt at escape, other than Mega attempting to carry Carvour out of the facility, before being shot and collapsing at the foot of the stairwell. the initial blast is unlikely to have killed agent Mega. there is no sign of an attempt to escape following the explosion

Agent Carvour was found with minor wounds

Mega had been shielding Agent Carvour during the explosion. the body was pried off of Agent Carvour at the time of discovery."

Owen stared down at his stained hands, indifferent to the blood now staining the floor

the blood never went away

not even as days passed

months passed

the blood never left, not even as owen scrubbed and scrubbed,

the man who killed for sport all those years, lay crumpled on the floor, crying at the blood on the floor that never went away. he feared death. not the pain, no.

he feared curt

because what would curt do

if he saw what he had become

that was worse than anything the world could throw at Owen

little did he know, curt wasn't gone.

curt didn't know what to do when he woke up in the ruins of the facility. he only saw rubble. rubble, and himself. he was dead

and owen was nowhere to be seen.

he ran for hours, but he couldn't find him. owen must be alive, he can't be dead

but he wasn't there

he couldn't find him

he must have been rescued

that was the only explanation. he searched to the ends of the earth for him. always one step behind.


curt followed the sound of a fight

and he suddenly found him


standing over a man with a terrified expression

holding a knife

"why did you do it?" owens voice was not the same, but those eyes were just as he remembered

"what do you mean?"

"you know exactly what i mean" owen dealt a blow to the injured man. "what happened to him"

the man didn't respond.

and in a second, he was dead

"owen.what happened to you?"

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