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"Damn it, Yoongi!" A voice echos through the garage. 

Yoongi placed down his card on the circular wooden table. "Your turn," Yoongi mumbles and faces the angry Namjoon, "what's your issue?"

Namjoon throws down his report papers, "what does this look like?"

Everyone sitting at the round table raises their heads to examine the new papers. Yoongi's face had been the first print, along with a thick stack of papers after. Hands flip through the papers and examine every page.

"One of the best investigators is helping out with this case," Namjoon says, "I talked to her and she knows what she's doing."

Yoongi shrugs and throws the papers back onto the wooden table top. "She will get frustrated and drop the case, I've been chased like this before," Yoongi explains and places down one of his cards.

Namjoon grasps the cards from Yoongi. A sigh escapes Yoongi's lips, along with his hands slamming against the table. The pressure caused all of the previous laid cards to fly up. 

"What the hell, Yoongi?" Jimin curses.

Jimin jumps up from his chair, causing a loud crash as it fell to the floor. His eyes met Yoongi's strong glare.

"What does she look like?" Yoongi asks softly while closing his eyes.

The room went silent as Namjoon searched through his phone to find a picture of the detective. "This is her," Namjoon holds up a hidden picture.

"Ah," Yoongi sighs, "officer L/N."

A small smile creeps up Yoongi's cheeks. He had aquatinted with Y/N before. She had been searching for an old case and questioned Yoongi who had been nearby at the time. Her eyes were something unforgettable, they were always destined to find news.

"You know her?" Hoseok asks.

Hoseok had quietly sat in his chair, waiting for a time to speak. He had observed the photo of the detective, along with listened to every word. Yoongi had an unpleasant reaction to the officer.

"I didn't go through police academy for us to get caught," Namjoon booms, "who is she to you?"

"Please, call me Y/N while we chat," Y/N says as she shows Yoongi to his seat.

Yoongi seats himself across from Y/N and smiles. "Thank you, Y/N, what was your question?" Yoongi asks.

"I'm currently on duty for the shooting incident. You had informed an officer you were one of the witnesses, is that correct?" the girl asks.

Y/N tapped the side of her coffee mug. The questioning room was one of her least favorites. She only hoped for Yoongi to answer all questions thoroughly. There was nothing wrong with the questioning room itself, the silence that filled the room between questions was enough to make any sane person go mad.

"Yes, Y/N," Yoongi answers.

Yoongi answered all questions to the best of his ability. Some short pauses interrupted the quick and steady flow. Y/N assumed it may have been Yoongi trying to recall anything he may have missed.

"Alright, sir, you're all set to leave." Y/N said. She follows him out of the questioning room before watching him leave with a guard.

"Is everything alright, investigator?" one of the other investigators asks as he walks towards Y/N.

The space between them was small and their voices were low. "I think he's got something, he stopped answering right away as if he was thinking of a lie," Y/N whispers. Her head ducked low before walking the opposite way.


"She questioned me about that big shooting months ago," Yoongi explains.

Yoongi knew what Y/N thought of him then. She knew something about him. He fucked up that day.

Namjoon crosses his arms. "If you know her so well, get her off our asses!"

A grin tugged on the corner of Yoongi's mouth. The group didn't know the girl as well as he did. Yoongi spent months researching about the so-called investigator. She wasn't as intelligent as the public deemed her to be.

"She won't figure it out." Yoongi replied.

"What do you mean? It's right here!" Namjoon continues his attitude. "She has all of this!"

Papers scattered across the solid concrete floor. Yoongi's face and information now spread everywhere. "Do you know her personally?" Jimin asks as he picks up some of the papers, examining them again.

"I've met with her a few times." Yoongi admitted, "I even did some research on her."

All of the eyes in the room flick to Yoongi. "What do you mean you've met with her?" Hobi asks. He had been silent the whole time.

Yoongi lifts then drops his shoulders. "Exactly what I said, she's charming."

A scoff escapes from Namjoon. His efforts to keep the group from disaster, would be ruined by this fool.

"How well do you know her?" Namjoon sighs. Stress wrinkles gather on his forehead.

Yoongi pushes his hair out of his face before ripping the papers from Jimin's hands. "I know damn well she wouldn't care once I talk to her," Yoongi exclaims.

The group goes silent. All of the stares were placed on Yoongi. He said he would talk to her, that was correct, wasn't it?

"You're going to talk to her? Are you out of your mind?" Hobi gasps. He finally broke the silence.

"Just shut up and you'll see, Hobi." Yoongi said before walking away from the group.

Yelling trailed behind him. The angry voices echoed throughout the garage as everyone argued over the new debate. The building would never be at peace until Yoongi is free from being a suspect.

"Let's see what we have." Yoongi mumbles to himself as he seats himself in front of his monitors.

The room began to glow as each monitor started up. Every one of them showing the security footage from the police department.

Y/N sat at her desk. Her face burrowed intro her hands. What's she doing? Yoongi thinks to himself before watching Y/N sit up from her seat. The papers of Yoongi's file remained in her hand as she stands in front of machinery.

Each and every paper began to go through the machine before coming out as shreds of paper. Yoongi's official file was gone.

Does Y/N remember him?

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