First day of school

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Theo was a short blonde boy, with glasses, usually wearing a tie. It was Theo's first day of school in alas Vegas with his dad, and he wasn't expecting to make any friends whatsoever. However, in English class, he was laughing at people discuss a very stupid topic with a guy with long, black curly hair, red lips, and brown eyes you could get lost in. After school, Theo got on the bus, expecting to sit alone as he did in the morning, but someone sat next to him. It was the kid from English class. They said hi and discussed some stuff, but never properly introduced themselves to each other. When it was Theo's stop, he got out, only to see the boy getting off at the same stop as him. As the bus drove away they introduced themselves to each other. "Hi, I'm Theo." "Boris." The kid said in a Russian accent. They both walked to their houses until Boris pulled out an umbrella out of the blue. "What are you doing?" Theo asked. "I hate the fucking sun." Boris said in a joking voice. Theo casually walked under the umbrella with him as he was laughing at Boris. Boris and Theo awkwardly stood there, in the road for a while until eventually Boris asked Theo if he wanted a drink aince he had beer at his house. They eventually walked to Boris' house, drinking beer.

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