Chapter 3

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Anaphora Reagan-Valdis regarded the deceased Xzandian soldiers at her feet, removing the cap from the bottle she watched as the acid she poured disintegrated their bodies. She knew why they were present—they were after the same thing she was and everyone else for that matter. Only because they had failed that faithful day.

Her dark eyes drifted over to the house opposite the park she'd exited a little while ago. Her thoughts turned as she recalled that young man, and recalled his features, he looked exactly like her.

"So, did you find it?" a voice asked in her earpiece, a voice she was more than familiar with.

"No L'Eiron." Anaphora replied, then hesitantly began. "But . . ."

L'Eiron was silent for a moment, waiting for her to finish but when she didn't, he asked, "But what?"

"I think I just met Noel-Len. He's alive." Anaphora declared slowly and silence met her ears. She never thought Noel-Len would ever be alive. Above all, she had no idea how to tell Gothalia, Anton or Maximus. She wondered if there was a reason why his existence was kept a secret. Then she wondered if she should even tell them. What would they think? Would they remember him? "Did you hear what I said?"

"I heard. I just . . . find it hard to believe. It's been years Anaphora. Are you sure it's really him?" he asked.

"I'm sure," she said, gently. "I checked. His scent . . . it's the exact same as I . . . as we remembered when he was born."

L'Eiron was silent once again before declaring in a gentle tone, "I'm glad." Then his gentle voice vanished replaced with a colder more detached tone. "What about the Xzandians? Are they there?"

"They're here." Anaphora informed him, glaring at the charred grass. "I've taken care of those who threatened his life, but I doubt he'll be safer for much longer. Their numbers are unusually high in this area. No doubt they've found the location of another Fragment and maybe even him."

"Then we need to make sure we get to it before they do." L'Eiron declared. "Return to the Cetatea. We'll work out what to do in regards to his protection from there. Besides I'm sure Argos and the others need to hear of this."

"Understood." Anaphora said, then the line disconnected. With one last look at the house and the empty streets. Anaphora turned her heel and vanished into the shadows of the park.

* * *

Later that day, golden conflagrations sparkled along the silent corridors where Centurion Peacekeepers and their heavy guard waited. Echoing steps taken by Anaphora and Gothalia brought to life the quiet walkway.

Gothalia pulled her dark gaze from the Peacekeepers, feeling the chill of their gaze on her as they proceeded down the hall.

The corridor mimicked their light breathing and calm conversation. "What exactly are you implying?" challenged Gothalia. Anaphora had ventured to the surface world and returned only a few hours ago but to Gotahlia's surprise had been reticent to share any additional details of her mission. Instead, only informed Gothalia of Alastorian and Xzandian presences lurking around the outer edge of the city's suburbs. Nothing more. Gothalia hadn't interrogated her further on the topic but had wondered if she told her everything.

"What I'm implying, Gothalia, is undercover work—you need to head to a club tonight in Darwin's CBD. An Xzandian Scout Commander has infiltrated the city and will meet with an unknown source. You need to lure out the source without being detected."

"And if I am?"

"Fight. They'll kill you if you don't." Anaphora's convincing gaze halted Gothalia's further question and caused her to turn attention from her mentor—contemplating why the Xzandians were clustering around Australia. More importantly, around Darwin, of all places.

Midnight Eclipse: Book 1# [EE] [Heaven's Curse]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora