Chapter 9

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The expression masking L'Eiron's face as he patiently waited for her answer, unnerved her. Gothalia had never seen that expression before but she knew deep down it existed. Now it was staring back at her and every subtle aspect of it, terrified her. He was furious even if he didn't let it show and his sudden coldness in his eyes reminded her of the reputation that surrounded him.

"What are you implying?" Gothalia asked, annoyed.

"I'm not implying anything. I'm stating the severity of your situation. Why did the Peacekeepers link you to the Cetatea? What were you up to last night?" Gothalia didn't answer. Silence ensued the room. L'Eiron eyed her. "I'm only trying to understand and maybe help you if I consider your reasons good enough."

Gothalia narrowed her gaze. "What if they weren't good enough?" she asked.

"Then you should accept your punishment."

"But I didn't do it." Gothalia remarked.

L'Eiron was silent for a moment. "Did you tell him that?"


"Why?" He demanded.

"Because I . . ." Gothalia couldn't finish that sentence. Even if she wanted to tell L'Eiron. He'd only ask more questions. How would she explain why she snuck into the Cetatea and rummaged through Arthur's notes? How could she explain she used the tele-pads without permission? How could she explain why the vehicle was suspiciously parked blocks away at an unusual hour? And above all, she knew the Peacekeepers and potentially L'Eiron knew she used the tele-pads even if they didn't say it. Stupidly, she used her code and knew that was the main reason why they probably tied her to Argos's death even more and maybe the car was just an excuse to get her to confess to being in the Cetatea and—

"Well?" L'Eiron asked, interrupting her thoughts. Gothalia clammed up and L'Eiron sighed. "Whatever's going on. You know you can tell me right?" Gothalia crossed her arms and glanced away from his face forcing herself to suppress the guilt she felt rising at his words.

"What do you mean? I'm perfectly fine." Gothalia forced. She wasn't fine—far from it. Not that she'd tell him that—yet.

"You know what I mean. It's unusual for you to act like this. Let alone get in trouble." L'Eiron pressed, waiting for a response. When none was provided, he continued, "Do you feel guilty for not saving him?"

"Why would that matter?" Gothalia snapped, with a hardness to her eyes as she returned his gaze.

"Oh, it matters," L'Eiron coolly responded.


"Simple: you're overreacting. And I am not saying that you should not feel the loss of our General, but it does not mean you can carry on the way you have. It has to stop." he articulated, smoothly. "And I won't have you behaving in such a manner."

"Oh right, because you're suddenly my dad," Gothalia remarked, again sarcastically. "Here's an idea, why don't you stop trying to fill those shoes?"

Anger crossed his face. "You may think that I'm filling those shoes but I'm not. I could never fill those shoes. I'm just making sure you don't make any mistakes you'll regret. Considering how you're behaving and whatever you've been up to, you're suspended."

"What?" Gothalia burst out, shocked. "You can't do that!"

"I can, and I have. It's long due and it's about time you see someone," he declared, in a gentler tone. His eyes avoided hers; then she understood.

"You mean a shrink?" Gothalia questioned, alarmed before her tone cooled. "I refuse."

L'Eiron sighed. "Gothalia, I don't think you realise how much you've been through even growing up. It's not healthy. And I'm not asking you. I'm telling you. You're relieved of your duties until further notice. There's someone I could send you to she's trustworthy and—" Quickly, Gothalia stormed out of the office, not waiting to hear the rest of his words but paused once she spotted Domitia Aelius in the doorway.

Midnight Eclipse: Book 1# [EE] [Heaven's Curse]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin