Chapter 7

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Gothalia regarded the lack of messages on her communicator. She hadn't informed Argos of her mission details, nor has she written her report. She stared at the digital device in her hand before putting it away. It was about time she returned to Dragon Core. She could only put it off for so long. The more she tried to put it off the more problems she knew Argos would cause her, L'Eiron and even Anaphora. She wondered why he hadn't contacted her yet.

Eventually she returned, before heading to the Scorpion Squadron's allocated room. After swiping her card, she sat down at her assigned desk where she would take care of paperwork, intel or other tasks that they need to do prior, during or after a mission. Gothalia began writing her report on the holographic computer, skimming through the finalised pages with her finger and re-read every word. Even if there was an auto-correct feature she knew it wasn't perfect. Nothing ever was. It a consistent reminder especially since Danteus was always quick to point out her missed errors. Once satisfied it was error free and as detailed as possible, she climbed from her desk, and passed the other desks of her teammates including Asashin's and Danteus's before exiting the room.

Her communicator beeped and she read the message from Argos, placing it back on her utility belt she strode to the main room. When she entered the usually busy room, no one was present, except for Christian who peered at her from the upper level with a casual glimpse before retreating out of view. Gothalia strode through the lower level and then up the stairs before she paused opposite Argos desk.

"You know why I've called you here," Argos declared, evenly. "I've given you some grieving time, but I need a debrief of what happened along with your report." Gothalia silently pulled up the digital document and motioned it towards his holographic computer before standing, at ease. Her shoulders were stiff, and her hands relaxed, against her lower back, with her legs shoulder-width apart. Her gaze lingered over the back wall as he spoke. "I trust your mission was not a success."

"It was not, sir," Gothalia responded. A moment later, her eyes drifted to his face. There was a sadness and wariness to his expression. Guilt blossomed within her stomach. "I apologise for not ending her when I should've."

"It's not your fault, Lieutenant. She clearly has unprecedented power. Where she has learned it from is another story. We sent you in, aware of this, but unaware that she'd mastered such power. Something we assumed was impossible. For that, it's our fault. Lieutenant Colonel Raegan-Valdis will contact you with your next mission in a little while." After a pause, he asked, "So, is it true? Captain and Commander Valdis fell to her hand?"

"Yes, sir," Gothalia answered. "Is that all sir?" Major General Argos Ambrosia regarded Gothalia for a moment longer, his warm brown eyes glittering with an unspoken truth he did not wish to share, until he pulled his attention back to the computer before him, specifically the report she handed him.

"That is all, Lieutenant. You're free to leave," he said, without looking at her. Gothalia placed a hand over her heart and bowed before vacating the room.

In the training room and in her black, red, and silver non-combat uniform, she removed her weapons and her utility belt before she stepped into the dome. An hour later, she was called out of the training room by another Centurion, one she was unfamiliar with, informed her of Anaphora's transmission. The man parted and Gothalia returned to the change room and pulled out her communicator device and eyed the holographic screen.

"I failed the previous mission," she reminded Anaphora, who observed her with an indifferent expression through the live feed. Not once did her expression nor words reveal why she was not providing such sensitive information to her in person. Gothalia guessed she must've had a mission of her own to complete. "Are you sure you want me to complete this one alone?"

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