Meeting the Gamer, Chiaki

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Chapter Two

Her death was nothing but a pang of discomfort, it was honestly a nuisance that herded him off path.

Nagito's emerald eyes were shimmering under the sunlight, it reflected a look of dolor.

He's feeding his mind with preclusion, he was nearly convinced that a yet unavoidable catastrophic event was merely a door for hope to enter but in truth, he took a fatal blow and the chest tightness is the conclusive evidence.

For how long will he stubbornly hold back tears and play pretend?

But a guy filled with an unsavory optimism was too enthralled by the wonders of hope, reforming his outlook is next to impossible.

And once again, a smile annihilated any residual despair. He let out a deep breath, clutching his uniform in the process when he felt the stinging pain on his chest.

He was never one to cry, tears were the sign that he's acknowledging despair because sadness is synonymous with that word.

When was the last time he cried?
Does he always hold a grudge against the thought of vulnerability?

Or is it the result of his cold childhood?

"Nothing that concerns me matters, what's more important is I must arrive on time! I can't be late!"

Nagito protested against the narrator, the narrator frowned when she saw this rebellion wasn't part of the script, she rolled her eyes and scrolled to the next part.

She let the protagonist do his thing, it was more fun seeing him attempt to escape the labyrinth by jumping on the fences but every time he would launch a leap, a dog would bark.

This is definitely not what the author intended to write.

"Just walk normally! You won't be late for class! That will ruin the plot!" She assured Nagito. Nagito seemed to have calmed down a bit, he nodded in a servile manner. He waved before vanishing completely.

Nagito was never out of her sight, she could see anything from her lightweight chair.

How could she make sure that it's all going according to plan if the protagonist of this story escapes her lenses?

She put popcorn in her mouth and sipped from the bottle of soda afterwards, her finger wiped the fog off the exterior of the cold bottle. "Speaking of soda, will Kazuichi like him or will this script go for the canon route?"

She was just a storyteller, never she can meddle in the story itself but peeking through its plot would mean, she'll fast forward time in reality. Flipping the pages would be equivalent to the aforementioned.

Now that her connection with the story is revealed, let's get that out of the way and proceed to the next scene relevant to our main man, Nagito and the bizarre situation that he always finds himself unwillingly involved in.

Another weird character has entered the stage, it was a girl with a tiny build, her hands were pressed against the glass wall of an electronic store, this is a different electronic store, not the same place where a character had died for plot purposes.

The television mirrored her witch hat, she was catching attention because of it.

The people passing by thought she was a cosplayer and some even took a picture, she was adorable with her sulking face and grunts every time the magician on the TV was making a mistake, despite it being imperceptible for average people's eyes but for her who's a born mage, this is a disgrace.

"He's doing it all wrong! This isn't magic at all! Hmph!" Her sourness was showing through her crimson tainted cheeks, she was banging the glass wall, captivating unwanted eyes.

Adventures of Nagito KomaedaWhere stories live. Discover now