*The Reality Check*

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The final exams of the semester were around the corner, the one's who didn't study the whole year were panicking. Helly was studying in the library while her best friend Roop and her boyfriend Varun were chilling near the university basement. Rrahul was passing by the basement as he was least interested in exams. Despite being the aggressive and a spoilt brat he was a brilliant student no one understood the reason but he always topped the semester without studying.

He saw Varun holding Roop's hand as if they were some couple, it didn't give him those friendship vibes and before he could cross the lane he saw their liplock and got shocked as he knew how much Helly loves Varun and how will she be able to handle the fact that Varun has been cheating on her all this while. He ran to the library to tell her that she has been cheated. First he could not gather the courage to convey this scenario to Helly but then he thought she should know the reality. He went to her and started speaking in a very shaky voice, firstly Helly told him to get out as she hated him like anything but he didnt stop and kept going . As soon as Helly got to know the reality she went in a denial mode as she thought Rrahul is trying to create a rift in her relationship. She got really pissed and walked out of the library meanwhile Rrahul was trying to make her understand but she just couldn't listen to him, then she came across the basement and saw her boyfriend cheating on her with her bestfriend. 

The moment Varun saw Helly he came running towards her to hug her and started crying in her arms, when Helly asked him the same he replied saying "I swear on you Helly I was just sitting with Roop and she started kissing me, I'm not at fault" hearing this statement Rrahul raised his voice stating Varun is lying about this matter and Roop was also quiet. 

( here Roop is R , Helly is H and Varun is V ) 

R to H : Helly believe me, I didn't do anything alone , whatever happened was mutual.

V : No Helly this girl is a liar, she literally blackmailed me if I don't go intimate with her she will tell my family about you and you know how strict my family is.

Helly stood there silently while Varun and Roop were trying to justify themselves so she packed her bag and left the university, Varun was following her and shouting behind her to stop her but Helly yelled at him and walked away. Rrahul got to know that Helly isn't feeling good and he took out his bike and asked her if he could drop her to her house but as soon as she saw Rrahul she could not control her emotions and had a major breakdown. Rrahul dropped Helly to her place as she fainted while having a breakdown. 

I hope you all liked the story, stay tuned to know what will happen next.


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