The Path Of Focus

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Two children, whose names shall not be mentioned (only to be referred to as red haired boy and black haired girl), wake up on a concrete road, the sky is gray and there are symbols painted all over the lifeless environment.

They walked for a while and began to chat when everything shifted.... The walls and floor were now made of thin ceramic tile, and the black haired girl jumped back in terror as the red haired boy slammed his fist into the wall, shattering it.

The hole in the wall revealed a thick pane of tinted glass, and he once again slammed his fist into the wall once more, shattering the glass and revealing a black void, which he was thrown back from violently.

The wall repaired itself instantaneously as he was blown back, his body morphed into that of a jester's, a short stalky man in red and black cloth...pajamas?

A hallway appeared along with a box of varying metal rods, just long enough yo be used as a blunt weapon. As the girl turned the corner the jester disappeared with a violent shriek.

Two paths stood before the girl, "The Path of Fame" and "The Path of Focus". She turned down the path of focus and all the walls around her changed. As suddenly she slid down a white plastic slope into a room made entirely of the same white plastic room, engulfed in a red light.

There was one doorway, leading down a stair case. It was behind bars, which after careful inspection appeared to be locked. She leaped backward in shock as she glanced to the side to behold a dismembered head hanging from a meat hook. Blood was pooled beneath it within the dent in the wall where it hung.

Something silver shimmered from the area the spine should be. She almost vomited but decided she should approach it. As she walked toward it, the shocked expression on the face glared at her.

She reached beneath the head reluctantly and pulled out the item. It was a key, she gagged as she grasped it in her hand. She placed it in the door and went down the staircase, but heard approaching footsteps.

She looked behind her to see the head from before, hanging above her. All at once, a ravenous hunger overcame her and she lunged at it, ripping and tearing at its flesh and muscle.

Lapping up the blood, she turned and continued down the staircase. Everything went black.....

(Based on an actual dream i had)

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