Ventriloquist: Schism

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    Celine and I have created many things. beings like us that talk and walk along the land we've created. Large scales beasts that roam the sky's, spreading inferno in there wake. Large serpents which in an ever lasting loop grow and consume within the depth of the season. And immaculate beings of perfection whom enforce the laws of these beings, which are never broken.

    Those who walk the along the lands we've created are entitled Human. They refer to Celine as "God". They know not of my existence, for I remain in the night and in the privates of shadow make slow sweet love to Celine.  The offspring born of this ritual are the immaculate creatures of which I previously referred.

    We have created four of these beings, Lilith, Ludocial, Michael, and Malthial. Lilith is the oldest, and the most intelligent by far. We do not speak of Lilith. Malthial is the youngest and the most attractive of our children. The humans refer to him as "Reaper". Though he has little to Reap. Ludocial is a strong pompous young lady who controls the movement of further lands to mark day and night.

    Though he has little to Reap. Ludocial is a strong pompous young lady who controls the movement of further lands to mark day and night. Finally, Michael is a tall young man who residents with the humans and enjoys convincing with them. They have dubbed him "Jesus".

    As I awoke this morning, twas night. And our family was nowhere to be found. Celine told me that they'd taken a trip to create other lands. Celine then forged and item with which I was unfamiliar, a dark abyssal thing. "Goodbye, Ventriloquist" she remarked. And latched the object to my chest, sending volting into a strange dark land.

Pain overwhelmed my body, blood drew from my mouth. Above me were three of my children, who only has these two words.

"Deus Vult"

I collapsed to the ground and when I woke my appearance was altered. My skin was gray, my hair was white, and my clothing had been removed. Save for an old torn shirt, a pair of rugged baggy pants and a broken crown. Lilith stood over me "Mother, are you alright?" And I could not respond.

    Rage boiled inside and I let out a beastly roar of fury. The one I cared for had cast me into a world of pain. A human arrived in my realm. His name was Belial. His tongue was played in silver.

"Greetings Satan" he said to me. "What are my sins?" I stood tiredly from my knelt down position and visions flashed in my head, he has done terrible things. Words spilt from my mouth uncontrollably "You spread lies and half truths like no other and hence forth have harmed others. Why would you do this?". He grinned a grin as dark and evil as one could imagine.

    "Why? Because the truth would've only hurt them more. Because I didn't have the courage to tell them my true actions. Because I had nothing else to do to survive ma'am. That's why". I nodded, I felt sympathy for this creature. He only wished to live. I smiled at him. I knew his wrongs.

I took him in. I denied him the punishment he deserved. I had an ally. I gave him a title. "Belial, lord of lies". And as time passed many more came to me, many I punished, many I did not.

    I am Satan. I don't know why I'm here. Or what the name means. But I've come to accept it. Most fear me now. But I have a new family. People who I, though I haven't sinned as they have, I can feel comfortable around, relate to.

I understand why I am here now. I am the punishment for imperfection. I am the leader of the broken and damned. Evil they call me, sinner, demon, Queen of Hell.

I don't know much but I've learned many things.

Love is a lie. Joy is a precursor to pain. Death is inevitable.

I. Am. Darkness.

Here my cry. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2022 ⏰

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