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Y/N came down stairs and walked to where the bar was to see her husband drinking. "Hey" Y/N muttered and sat down taking the glass and taking a sip. "We stopped the apocalypse" Five said. Y/N froze then took a breath."no shit" she muttered. She thought she would be more excited.

"You think we really did it? Think we really stopped the apocalypse?" He asked. "I guess so" she mumbled and played with her straw. "What now?" She asked. "I dont know..I'm open to suggestions" he said.

"Five" she said and turned to face him. "Yeah?" He asked and turned to face her as well. She leaned in and suddenly kissed him. He was shocked to say the least but relaxed into her kiss. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. She sighed irritated. He pulled away. "I'll get it" he said and walked away with his drink

He suddenly walked back in with Hazel. Y/N signed and pulled out a gun facing it at hazel. "your here to kill us?" five asked. "Oh shoot. sorry old habits" hazel said and put his gun away as Y/N did the same. "I understand why you feel that way" hazel said. Y/N leaned on the table and closed her eyes. "Well you attacked our house, try to kill my family and my wife. And kidnapped my brother" five said. "Look theres not much I can do about the past dont forget I'm not the only killer in the room. You and your wife have got your own bloody history pal. Speaking of which...thay job you two did in callou that shits legendary. I cant believe I'm sitting here talking to you guys-"

"Hazel why are here?" Five asked. "Well-" suddenly deigo bursted in the room and kicked hazel. "Deigo stop!" Five shouted. Y/N sat up and looked at the diego beating the shit out of hazel. She shook her head and layed her head back down. Five soon broke the fight.

"I draw the line at biting" he sighed. "We all know" Y/N muttered and soon passed out. Five and Hazel held a conversation with each other.
"so now what?" Hazel asked. "you know to be honest I dont know. I've been chasing this thing for so long I never really thought about the day after" five admitted.

"I dont know. What about you?"
"I'm done with all this madness. Time to start over. You two should do the same" "that's easier said then done" "it doesn't have to be hard. Think about it like this. If you guys never time traveled never got caught up with the handler what would have happened?" Hazel asked.

"I guess I would have grown up to be an emotional stunted man child like everyone else here. As for her...she probably would have been something alot greater" five said tucking his wife's hair behind her ear. "tell me..did you two ever have a proper wedding?" Hazel asked. "No...no we didnt" five answered. "Then there you go. Grow up with her. Take her on a date. Get her a puppy. You know...have a proper wedding, start a family. Do everything you wish you could have done with her. That's what im doing with the woman I love. You should do the same. Good luck" hazel said and stood up.

"Hazel. One more thing before you go" five said. "Shoot" hazel spoke. "which one of you was the trigger man for detective patch?" "trigger woman" "that's to bad that gun could of cleared my brothers name" "well your in luck amigo. Take em both. I'm done with this life" hazel said and walked out

Later diego woke up. "Good your up. Ready for a drink now?" Five asked "where is he?" Deigo asked. "I let him go" five said.

The two held a conversation with each other. It was quite aggressive

"Suit yourself" five said and finished up his drink. He grabbed Y/N and held her like a bride "I am curious. Your girlfriend patch. Whatd you like about her?" Five asked. "Alot things. Cute butt. Nice legs" deigo said. "Any thing a little more profound than that?" Five asked. "she believed in people. No matter how much filth and shit she saw in the streets. She always saw the good inside" Diego confessed

"Well. I'm sure she'll be proud to know your killing hazel and cha cha as a way to honor her memory" five said and walked out carrying his wife


"Hey wake up" five said shaking Y/N gently. "Hm?" She hummed and opened her eyes. She sat up rubbing her head. "Get up" five sighed. "why" she whined. "Because I wanna take you out" five admitted. "Where we hanging out?" Y/N asked.

"I want to take you on a date Y/N" Five said. "A date?" Y/N asked. "Yeah now get the fuck up. I'll be downstairs" five said blushing and quickly got out of the room. Y/N smiled to herself and got up. She put on a new clean uniform and brushed her hair. She slipped her shoes on and rushed down stairs. "Let's go?" She asked. "Yeah" five answered and opened the door.

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