𝐀 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞

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"We've been walking for a while" Y/N commented. "fuck it's already dark" She sighed as her husband held her hand. "Are you cold?" He asked. "No. No I'm not" she muttered. The two continued to walk. "You know..everyone one of our siblings used to have crush on you?" Five chuckled

"Really? Even Alison and Vanya?" She asked. "Especially Vanya. She had the biggest fucking crush on you. Everyone knew even Mom" five said. "I didn't know!" She smiled. "Because you are oblivious" he sighed. Y/N just shook her head and continued to walk

"We're here" five said. Y/N looked up and saw a play ground. "A park?" She asked. "Nice date dont you think?" Five teased. "Yeah if I was actually thirteen again" she sighed and walked a bit forward. "You really dont remember?" He asked. "Remember what?" She asked

"I kissed you here" he spoke. She turned around. "When we we're-" she started "eight" they both said.

"Your so cheesy" she laughed and turned around looking up and taking in the cold air. It was silent for a little bit until he spoke.

"I love you Y/N"

she turned around and looked at him. she just looked at him. her husband. her soul mate. They could grow up now. She could properly marry him now. Be with him with no stress. No worrying. They could rest together.

"I know...I love you" she smiled. He walked to her and cupped her face kissing her gently. She relaxed and didnt feel tense at all. She was rested. She was calm. She felt better with him.

Suddenly they heard an explosion of some sort. They pulled away and looked out into the distance. "Fuck! No!" He shouted and grabbed her hand beginning to run.

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"Guys! This is it! The apocalypse is still on! The world ends today!" Five shouted running to all of his siblings. "I thought you said it was over?" Diego gasped. "I was wrong okay?! This is the newspaper we found in the future the day we got stuck" five explained.

"the headline hasn't fucking changed" Y/N sighed. "No that doesn't mean anything" diego said. "Yes the fuck it does you fucking moron" Y/N hissed.
"Time could have been altered when it came out" "your not listening to me. When I found it This place came down along with everything else but yet here we are the moons still shining the earth's still in one piece. But not the academy" five said.

"This doesn't make sense" klaus said taking the newspaper. "Then listen to me you idiot! Vanya destroys the academy before the apocalypse. Herald Jenkins was the fuse but vanya is the bomb. Vanya causes the apocalypse!" Five exclaimed. "we have to find her" luther said.


"Wheres mom a-and pogo?" Y/N asked. "They.." klaus began. "There dead. Both of them. Vanya killed pogo and Mom...she was crushed when the academy came down" Diego said so coldly.

No...she thought she could..maybe just when she came back she could save her mom this time. "No" she muttered. Suddenly lights shined down on the siblings. "We gotta go. Regroup at the super star!" Diego said.
"I.." Y/N muttered. "Let's go Y/N" five said and pulled her arm blinking them away

𝓜𝓻. 𝓐𝓷𝓭 𝓜𝓻𝓼. 𝓗𝓪𝓻𝓰𝓻𝓮𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now