Chapter 1

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Leaves crunched and crackled underfoot as Virgil made his way through the forest. The leaves had turned from emerald green to an array of yellows, browns, and reds which now scattered across the ground in the autumn wind. With every step, Virgil's messy hair bounced lightly atop his head as he listened to music in his headphones. He never exactly liked taking this path back to the apartments, but on days like these he didn't seem to mind. The forest was tranquil and inviting as it swayed its branches with open arms.

Virgil stopped walking, taking a chance to pause the music on his phone. He stood in the middle of the path before taking a deep breath of the crisp fall air. Today was alright, at least for now. Though the air was cool and calm, Virgil still disliked walking the forest path back from the coffee shop. Soon Virgil would reach his apartment, he just had to keep going.

Virgil worked part time at a small coffee shop in the corner of town as a waiter to make ends meet. He hated every second of it, the communication, the crowds, even the smell of coffee started to make him feel sick. Everyday he had to take the path through the woods after work unless his roommate Roman actually picked him up in his car. Roman had lived with Virgil for a little over a year, they were friends since middle school. Roman had smooth short hair with a slight curl which he put way too much into styling each morning. He had been chasing a dream of acting for years, since about as long as Virgil had known him. Though Virgil cared about his friend and enjoyed his occasional company, Roman's insistence on not getting a normal paying job to pay his rent drove Virgil mad.

Sometimes Virgil wished that Roman would get off his butt and help for once. Unlike Virgil, Roman had a license and a car. Even if Roman just drove Virgil home from work it would take so much off of Virgil's mind. Then maybe he wouldn't be walking in this forest right now. Virgil scoffed at the thought of yelling at Roman once again for forgetting to pick him up. It was about the fifth time this month.

Virgil sighed before beginning to walk once again, the quicker he got home the better. The dark haired boy looked around, taking in the familiar surroundings. As he scanned, something was off. Under a pile of leaves seemed to be a strange lump, like that of a human figure sleeping beneath the plants. Virgil swallowed hard, what if there was someone hiding there waiting to ambush him? He'd never seen anyone take this path at the time he walked home.

With a deep breath Virgil reached into his hoodie pocket, clutching a small dark purple pocket knife. He drew closer to the pile of leaves listening for the sound of breathing. For all he knew it could've just been a pile of leaves. Virgil bent down,knife in hand, and reached out to touch the pile. Without breathing, he reached forward and practically smacked the leaves away. He jumped backwards immediately, covering his face in his hands. When he was met with no reply or sound he slowly peaked through his fingers. What was in front of him confused and intrigued him, raising many questions.

Under the pile of leaves lay a strange robot-like man, his skin silver and glistening. He had smooth brown hair and black glasses along with a black polo shirt and blue striped tie. In pure awe Virgil leaned in, staring at the strange robot. Suddenly, it's eyelids flashed open revealing an almost blinding blue light. Virgil fell back, stumbling across the leafy ground which kicked up dirt around him.

The suit-wearing robot turned to look at Virgil, it's neck making a mechanical squeaking noise. "Hello." It spoke. Virgil stared at it, wide eyed, still backed up on the ground. It stood up, towering over the dark haired boy. "I am Logan." Virgil jumped to his feet and pointed his curved purple knife at the man. "A-alright Logan, I know self defense don't even try anything! I don't care what weird cosplaying thing you're a part of! If you dare put a finger on me I-I'll cut them off!"

Logan stared, unphased at Virgil's threat. "I am Logan. What shall I call you?" Virgil, flustered, grabbed the collar of Logan's black polo shirt bringing the knife up to his neck. "I-I don't know what your deal is but you better get out of here before someone gets hurt!" Logan stood still, staring at Virgil's knife. "I mean you no harm." Virgil let go of Logan's shirt, still gripping his knife. "Why are you here and what's with the whole robot thing? Is this some stupid prank?" Logan fixed his tie, "I do not know why I am here. I just woke up from a forced shutdown."

Virgil blinked at him, skeptically. "Uhhh sure, Logan. So you're a robot?" Logan nodded, "I am what you would call a robot. I must have been built and left here. I do not know why I am here or what my purpose is." Virgil stuck his hands into his hoodie pockets and began walking away. "Well good luck with that uhh- Logan." Logan blinked as Virgil started to leave. "May I come with you? What is your name? I am Logan." Virgil looked back and huffed. "It's uhh- Virgil." Logan bowed his head, "Greetings uhh Virgil." Virgil's face flushed. "N-no it's just Virgil." Logan bowed once more, "Greeting just Virgil." Virgil, looking visually angry, let out an angry mumble. "It's Virgil." Logan bowed yet again, "Greetings Virgil. May I accompany you? It's quite dangerous to be in the woods so late." Virgil dug his fingers into his hair for a moment before letting out a sigh. "Fine." It's probably just one of Roman's pranks again.

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