Chapter 4

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 Virgil stood in front of the bathroom, his fists clenched with a mixture of anger and despair. How could Logan say that? Did he want me to feel worse about myself? Roman swallowed nervously and looked over to the dark haired man. "Hey, Virgil, I don't know what just happened exactly but, I'm sorry for provoking him."

Virgil sighed and avoided Roman's gaze. "Whatever. I'm just stressed out, the coffee shop is packed with people and I keep messing up. I never know what I should be doing, or where I should be going. It feels like everyone there forgets I exist unless I'm doing something wrong. I used to work in the back but they put me on waiter duty, which I did not sign up for, and you know how much I struggle with talking to people." Roman blinked with sympathy, patting the seat beside him.

Virgil sat down in the chair beside his roommate and buried his face in his hands. He could feel his face grow hot and strained as he held back tears. I'm working so hard to pay the rent for the apartment and supply our food, but it's barely enough. If the rent payments keep going at this rate, we'll be out of the apartment. Virgil felt the tears begin to spill from his eyes, the tears he had struggled so hard to keep back during his work at the cafe.

And I shut people out, I always do. Janus was right, I really do just push everyone I need away.Virgil combed through his hair with his fingers, trying to be quiet as he quivered and heaved. I pushed Logan away, now I might never see that robot man again. He took a deep breath and stood up before walking over to the window. He peeled back the curtains and leaned his elbows on the windowsill.

The pitter pattering of the rain sang its soft melody in the gray sky as Virgil watched with sorrow. As Virgil's light brown eyes gazed across the rain, he spotted Logan sitting beside the door. His clothes were soaked with water which made Virgil wonder if he was waterproof. Was he waterproof? In a state of panic, Virgil ran to the door almost tripping over Roman. He twisted the knob and threw it open.

Logan sat in the downpour, turning to look at Virgil as the door flew open. "Hello, Virgil. What are you doing here?" Virgil stepped into the rain with relief before quickly becoming embarrassed. "I-I didn't know if you were waterproof- I didn't want to hurt you." Logan's eyelids flickered with blue gleams. "I appear to not be damaged by water."

Virgil smiled softly and sat down beside him, the rain soaking his brown and purple faded hair. "I'm glad." He stared up at the rain as it fell around him and soaked into his dark hoodie. They sat in extended silence, nothing but the falling of raindrops filling the air. Virgil couldn't tell if it was awkward or comforting as they sat together in the rain, but something in him made him feel no intention of leaving.

"Can I ask you something, Virgil?" Logan's soft spoken words broke the silence. Virgil nodded without taking his eyes off the rain, the sky turning a darker gray as the sun somewhere past the clouds was readying to switch places with the moon. "Do you ever... Not know who you're supposed to be?" Logan asked, his glowing eyes filled with sadness. Virgil snickered, "All the time. I don't know what I'm supposed to do or who I'm supposed to be."

"Really?" Logan questioned curiously. He looked up at the cloudy sky, bringing his hands from his knees to the ground. "I thought I was the only one. I don't know who created me or why I'm here." Virgil felt his heart jolt as he laid his hand gently on Logan's. "I-I don't think any of us know why we're here." Virgil mumbled. "But I guess we can be confused... together."

Logan's face suddenly began to glow with the same baby blue hue as his eyes. A small light also shimmered from his chest in the shape of a blue heart. "Whoa." Virgil marveled,the soft light illuminating their surroundings. Logan stared back at him with embarrassment, "I-I- this hasn't happened before." Virgil rubbed Logan's hand softly, "You're... warm."

Logan's face shimmered with blue as he brought his hand up to his cheek, "You're right." He breathed, hardly speaking. Virgil blinked his eyes slowly and leaned his body on Logan's, with a content sigh. Logan smiled slightly with a sigh, "I'm... warm."

Silver Stars - Logan x Virgil Analogical AU Sandersides FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now