chapter 2: chase

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Ravio is seen in the head of the coyote looking at the scenery of Hyrule past by as they travel. “You have any idea how long it’s gonna take to get there?”  Asked Fox. “Honestly I have no idea, I’m just leading this thing the way that Ganon and Weiss said to” says Ravio as he continues to look out at the mountain range their in. As the two hylienes do some small talk, Ravio stomach growls, Fox snorts, with the other glaring "Haha very funny AH!!!!"  Suprisingly yells the orange hair teen stopping the beast in a sudden motion, having him and Fox almost fall out of the beast open head, but thankfully Ravio grab him and tube before they gey yeeted out. The red head look up in confusing "What the hell man!!" He yells getting back inside the beast thanks to Ravio. The orange hair hyliene points outside he looks and sees "Oh come on!" Curse Fox. 

Slight time skip

"Ok this a problem" says a frustrated Ganon with him, Weiss, Zelda, Sun and Delta. They are outside of the beast and standing in the edge of a huge canyon. The five of them all look down the canyon seeing the large drop. “Pretty sure we aren’t going to be able climb down there even with the beast” says Sun as tossed a rock down watching as it falls. The four of them then move away from the edge returning back to the beast. “So what are we going to do now?” Asked Weiss as she backs away from the open head as Ravio closes it. “Hmm Ravio move this beast somewhere safer then have it stay stationary, after that let’s see what info we can find” says Ganon as Ravio nods his head and  turns around having the beast move away from the edge.

“Well I guess we should go and look around” says Sun. Ganon agrees as everyone except Ravio leave the chamber and start exploring the beast for anything. 

With Ganon

"This should be something" he mumbles to himself finding a seal door with countless locks and seals. "This is excessive but there must be something important" he sid out he lifts his left as the sigil in it glows a dark purple before extending into a sharp black energy blade, he then tries to slash at the door but before he could make contact the door, seals attach to the door suddenly glow a bright flash creating a blue energy barrier, the garudo male eyes widen before he could react the moment his blade made contact he was sent flying against the wall. He hits the wall and falls down to the floor he breathes heavily as sweat goes down his face. He looks at the door and just feels terrified for some reason, he thinks 'Ok there something extremely important in there' he stands back up and walks up to it "I'm not gonna be bested by a door" he resolves his will and starts examining it. 

With Zelda and Delta 

“So what are we even looking for?” Asked Delta as they both walk through the hallways of the beast. “We’re looking for any information about what this thing actually is or what the plans of those guys is,” says Zelda as she puts her hand on the wall near her. “Add rubbing the walls is gonna help how” sarcastically says Delta as he stops and leans on a wall accidentally pushing a button causing the wall to open and reveal a hidden room. Zelda enters the room to see it full of computers. “Hmm what was it that you said earlier” says Zelda with a smug grin on her face. “I have no idea what that is but this place has to have something” says Delta as he looks away from the mural. “Yeah your right, let’s see what we can find” says Zelda as she nervously looks away from the mural.

With Weiss

"Ok you two stop" she glares at Emerald and Vernal fighting... again, Jaune and Vatti are in the sidelines putting back to place some of the chest and yesterday clothes. Both look a little nervous at the Gerudo glaring down their companions, Vatti whispers seeing the discipline of the two. Weiss glares at both of them for a moment before huffing "That great i'm going to keep looking for anything" the gerudo walks out of the room with both girls still smiling waiting for the other to leave. "She gone?" Ask emerald through smiling teeth, Vernal looks "Yes" not a second pass with both girls starting to punch each other, Jaune yells "If you are gonna fight do it somewhere else!!!" Vatti looks at the entrance for a moment seeing electrical energy glowing. He taps the plant user on the shoulder who was mumbling under his breath putting away some rations they found. "What?" He looks down at his fellow run away being annoyed thanks to the girls he got his answer when he sees Weiss standing there furios with electric energy coming out of her with her hair standing up glaring at Emerald and Vernal who now are hugging each other for dear life "BEHAVE!!!!" yells the Garudo running in pure anger to the two hylienes, both couldn't escape the last thing they could say we're "Nooooo/Shit!!" Before everything went to white then black

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