Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The reactions of my new found friends would have been hilarious had it not been for me being in shock. They had kept bowing to me or pretending I was a different species. I couldn't understand why they had only given me a year. I only excelled at one station all the others I was mediocre at best.

According to Rohann I had been the biggest surprise and the instructors were extremely impressed with my ability and couldn't understand how I had such highly developed techniques already. They thought it would only take me a year to develop these skills in order for me to become one of the best knights they had seen in a long time. Needless to say I don't believe them, it was a week in and I was already finding that I was in way over my head. Thankfully Rafel had my duties for the first month, I was very quick to remind him of our wager when my initial surprise had worn off.

We were nearing the end of the first week of training just one session left. Archery. This was always the last session of the day and it really helped me to keep focused throughout the other sessions. Rafel had taken to fighting the others to be my partner for this session in the hopes that I would be able to train him. After the first day apparently many of the others including Edmon, Leon and Mattius all wanted to be paired with me. I don't dare ask how he managed to get one over on them, especially Edmon but to be honest I was more than a little thankful to not be paired with the Prince. Lining up we begin our warming up phase but before I can even let my first arrow fly, Blane, our blond haired, blue eyed instructor interrupts us.

'Ali, Edmon, a word. Rafel, Leon, Pair up.' Instructs Blane. I nod, indicating I've heard him. I quickly sheath my arrow and replace by bow and quiver on the peg before jogging over to meet them both. 'Your presence has been requested with Lord Dray.' I bow my head as a sign of respect and acknowledgement of his words. As soon as we are dismissed I quickly fall into step with Edmon as we make our way through the confines of the castle.

'Lord Dray?' I ask once we are in the cool, inner corridors. I have very little idea of routes through the castle, to me they all still look the same. Corridors filled with tapestries, small alcoves with various ornaments, and doors! So many doors! How Edmon knows which doors are for doors and which lead onto staircases I don't know. Edmon and I have become close over the past week. It turns out he shares my dark and cynical view on life and enjoys my sarcastic mutterings which, however low I mutter them he manages to pick up on. It is easy to forget that he is my Prince and will eventually be my King and I keep finding myself calling him so when I remember much to his distaste.

'Leon's father, he's the head of the king's guard. Trust me when I say he's a reasonable man so long as you do as he says and don't break the rules. Do that and you won't have much contact with him.'

Hiding my smirk under my hand I can picture all the possible stunts Edmon has been roped into in his time training and before, 'Something's telling me you have had a couple of run-ins with him?' I question knowingly.

'Oh, yes, more than my fair share I might add and all thanks to Rafel. He doesn't like to go down alone.' Edmon sighs.

'You would have thought he would be more lenient on the Prince and his friends?' I muse frowning slightly as we reach the close large oak door to Lord Dray's quarters.

'Quite the opposite actually.' He replies as the guard announces our arrival. Feeling like I've done something wrong, I lower my head as I would entering my father's study and follow directly behind Edmon selfishly in the hopes that he will somehow bear the brunt of Lord Dray's discipline. What I am doing? I ask myself as we cross the large stone floored room. I haven't done anything that would warrant any discipline of this scale. Goddess give me strength. At this small realisation I pull my shoulders back, stand myself up tall and lengthen my stride so that I am walking along side Edmon instead of trailing behind him like some urchin child.

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