Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Standing in between the two large forms of Edmon and Leon, we wait to be lead through the large oak doors into the throne room where we will be formally knighted into the king's guard and officially become protectors of Dragos.

Dressed in full knight's robes of Red and blue, I have my sword strapped to my belt and ceremonial cloak or the deepest blue resting over my left shoulder, protecting my sword from view. The same arm holds my shield. As a knight we are given the choice: take up your family's sigil on your shield of design your own. I chose to hold my personal coat of arms, a pure while shield with gold threads woven into a hawks head, designed to take in both parts of me, Edmon's hawk woven with my magic. After all he is a part of me. All twelve of us, lined in a tight formation are dressed the same. The same as the knights who will be greeting us on the other side of the doors. We have been accepted as knights of the realm by all but the King. This is the ceremony where I become a knight by law but also the same time I fight Jewles and reveal myself to everyone; most importantly Edmon.

Rhoald, Jewles and Dontae are just in front of us. I feel Leon place his hand on by shoulder before he leans in close enough so Edmon can't hear his words.

"Good luck Ali, I'm here, always will be alright?" Do I look that worried and tense? I think frowning to myself. "Now lighten up and stop worrying." He chides straightening back up as the doors open revealing a lavishly decorated room that I have only stepped foot in a number of times, not that it would be recognisable as the very same room had it not been for the two large thrones occupied by the king and Queen and two smaller ones, unoccupied at the top of the small flight of steps on the far side of the room.

I follow the other trainees into the throne room before stopping after only descending a couple of steps. We were at the back, three per row of trainees. Each row stopped on a step, allowing the others behind to see the full view in front of them.

I take in the elaborately dressed guests, all their eyes trained on us as they turn from where they are standing on either side of the room. The central, lower square of the room was currently occupied by four men, our trainers. They appear to have just finished addressing the King and Queen and now are standing watching us. I lock eyes with Rohann and he gives me a small reassuring smile. The crow's feet by his eyes crinkling with the small gesture. He hasn't been able to spend as much time talking and protecting me as he would have liked. Once I am a knight that will all change, I will be free and we will be able to become friends again, I hope, at least. Provided this all goes well.

Drawing my eyes away from him I make a quick scan of the room. Not only is the ground floor full with courtiers but the balconies are also full. Knights and guards all dressed in their ceremonial robes of red and blue scattered amongst the crowd, keeping them back and maintaining the clear central square.

Standing up straight I take a studious look at the King and Queen, neither look well. Both, especially the Queen, look worn, tired and ill. They look like they are dying, all skin and bone and everyone just seems to be ignoring it, it's like they can't see it. I frown. From this distance I can see the Queen's hollowed out cheeks and pale lips, the dark circles under her eyes. Her frame appears so much more fragile, her clothes just hang off of her. Her lilac dress, once would have extenuated her figure, the jewels around her neck adding an unnecessary weight that her fragile shoulders are scarcely able to bare.

"They look so ill." I mutter unsure if I'm talking to myself of Leon or Edmon.

"You need to do something Ali. Soon." Replies Edmon at the same time Leon breathes.

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