Chapter Eight

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The next day at school, I walked in with a goal in mind and I was determined to achieve it.

I met Lexi and Spencer at our usual spot, which was the only tree that littered the lawn of our school's property. I didn't bother with small talk; I cut right to the chase by demanding, "Are you guys only hanging out with me because I almost died?"

They had shocked expressions on their faces, only until they looked to each other guiltily. Spencer then quickly turned to me, "I can't speak for Lexi, but when I heard about it, I knew I had to make my amends with you. Like, I couldn't just not say that I was sorry for not speaking to you ever since you and Amanda fell out. I'm not Amanda; her relationships shouldn't have defined mine. So, that was what I was going to do when I first visited you, but then I learned that you're actually a pretty chill person, which is basically the opposite of what Claire has been saying about you. At first, you knocking on death's door was my reasoning, but it's not now."

Lexi spoke up after he finished, "You've always been my best friend; I'm just being a better one now. I didn't visit you in the hospital because I was afraid that Claire would be there, but when Spencer told me you were getting discharged and had to stay at home for two weeks, alone, I knew I was going to visit you even if Claire was there. I know how much you hate being alone. I'm just trying to be the best friend I should've been all along."

"Okay," I sighed, taking a moment to assure myself that they weren't lying, that they actually cared about me and were my friends. "Okay. I guess I was just a little paranoid," I bit my lower lip, anxious over what I was about to ask them. "Now that all of that is out of the way," I gulped, "can you guys do me a favor?"

Spencer didn't hesitate before he agreed, but Lexi looked at me a little skeptically. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" she asked. "I don't think you would be this nervous if it was."

"It's a great idea, thank you very much. Are you in or not?" I snapped. I immediately felt bad for doing so, as it was something Claire would have done, and I apologized quickly. I hated seeing myself doing something she would do, as it made me all too aware of the impression she left on me. I despised her and everything she stood for, especially her actions. I wouldn't let myself be like her, and if I found myself doing so, I'd beat myself up (mentally) for it and try to make it up to the person I was being mean to.

"Fine," Lexi rolled her eyes, "but only if you stop doubting us."

"It's a deal," I nodded my head, a weak smile plastering my face. I was glad that she accepted my apology, but I was still mad at myself for acting up. I had to clean up my act.

After a few moments of silence which mostly contained me scolding myself in my head, Spencer awkwardly asked, "So, what do you want us to do?"

I smirked, my previous thoughts long forgotten and being replaced with ones of my plan. I hadn't smirked in a long time, and a new spark resided in my eyes as a result from my excitement. I raised both of my eyebrows in seriousness and instructed, "I need both of you to leave first period about twenty minutes in. Say you have to go to the bathroom or something; just meet me in the band room. I'll tell you the rest when we get that far."

We heard the bell ring, and we dispatched after that. I headed to science, searching for Amanda's red head. She was the key player in this game we were playing, this game we were going to win. Frankly, though, it wasn't a game as much as it was a breakthrough.

"Amanda!" I called out and waved her over, seeing her red hair pulled into a ponytail just a few steps before she would have walked into science class.

She turned around, and I pulled her hand towards me so that her body moved back a bit more towards the wall, trying to make sure that nobody could overhear us. "I'm gonna get a 'bloody nose' during class today," I said using air quotes, "and you're going to 'escort me to the nurse' after I announce it to the class." I thought over what I had just told her, and I felt as though I just told her what she was going to do without her free will, like I was forcing her to do something as Claire had done to me. I then added on, "Of course, you don't have to. I didn't mean to sound like I was bossing you around. I'm sorry if I did. I didn't, I wasn't, I-"

"It's okay. Calm down. I knew what you meant. I know you'd never force me to do something," she let me take a deep breath to recollect my thoughts. "Finish what you were saying."

"I'd just like you to help me out. I have a plan, and I can't do it without you," I looked up at her face, not looking at her eyes, but more so her facial expression, mainly to see if she was really okay with my moment of not being a nice person and to see if she was okay with my proposal.

"Does this plan involve Claire?" Amanda whispered as she shook her head to the left and to the right, making sure no one was overhearing our conversation. "Because I have a theory about her, and-"

She was cut off by the last and final warning bell, causing us to jump and reluctantly walk into class.

Phase One was officially in commence.

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