letter to a

9 1 0

i kept trying to find the right words 
nothing came up to the surface 
you will stay in the dark 
until i can gather 
the words still unfound 

icebergs pale in comparison to all the words i could say 

it burned and it shattered 
and it hurt and it felt wrong 
the not having you anymore 
the seeing you and hearing you 
but not seeing you and not hearing you 

i want you back 

there were days that you felt 
like you had chewed me up 
and spit me out viciously 
like a tsunami wiping everything out 

why didn’t you swallow me? 

i wanted to keep you 
like a little bee in my pocket 
but you buzzed and buzzed 
and you stung 
and then you were gone 

we could have been so happy 

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