I cant remember what part this is

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"why hello pretty, may i ask you why you are here?"minho walked over to the window were jeongin was standing

"i-i-i c-chan-" jeongin dint know what to do, minho could most likely tell that jeongin was nervous but jeongin was more than nervous, he was completly losing it.

"c-chan what. hah why are you nervous?" Minho asked while taking a step closer

"h-h-he broughtmeherebecausehyunjinlostabetandtherewardwasmeso. pleasedontkillme"jeongin got more nervous by the second and he broke down crying.

"can you shut the hell up before i do kill you?" jeongin sank to the floor and started crying even more

"p-pleases d-dont *hiccup* " minhho grabbed him by his hair forcing him to stand up.

"then shut the fuck up before i get namjoon to kill you, you crybaby" Minho dragged him out of the room and up the stairs to were namjoons office was

"PLEASE, PLEASE LET ME GO, I WILL STOP, PLEASE" jeongin fought Minho's hand out of his hair and then punched him were jisung had stabbed him in the leg the day before and then he sprinted down the stairs, not looking were he was going and he ran into namjoon

"Who the fuck?" Namjoon looked down at jeongin realizing who he was

"S-sorry, s-sorry" jeongin bowed his head multiple times to show how sorry he was

"Ya aren't you the bitch I was supposed to kill many years ago?" Namjoon grabbed jeongin by the arm and dragged him to his office

"I-I'm so sorry " jeongin kept repeating as they walked up the never ending staircase

"Aish why the fuck are you even here, who brought you here because I will kill them" Namjoon said

"C-chan brought me here b-because hyunjin lost a b-bet" jeongin sat down in front of namjoons desk

"Where is that little bitch" just as Namjoon was about to go find chan, he burst through the door and grabbed jeongin by the arm

"Ya chan why did you bring him here if you knew I am going to kill him" Namjoon asked

"None of your business dad, now leave me alone" chan dragged jeongin out the door and brought him back to his room, throwing him on the floor

"I told you to avoid them, did I not?" Chan asked angrily

"I- you did b-but Minho-" chan cut jeongin off

"I don't care what Minho did, leave them Alone, besides your mine not theirs" chan cooled off a bit and left, leaving jeongin baffled

"Mine, not theirs?" The hell does that mean?

Jeongin spent the next 10 minutes laying on his bed, trying to figure out what chan had meant, and before he knew it, he had dozed off...

"Mommy, what about everyone else? Wont they come with?" Jeongin asked, giggling a bit

"U-umm no, they have to stay w-with daddy right now b-but we are going on a picnic, pack all of my stuff. All of it and we can go" she said as she lead him to the door

"O-okay, I love you mommy" jeongin went and packed all of his mother's belongings and brought it all out in 10 minutes
"Here mommy, can we go now?"he handed her the suitcase as she reached out for his hand

"Yeah let's go" they walked all along the han river to the other side were the stopped at an abandoned building

"Aren't we going on a picnic mommy?" Jeongin asked, worriedly

"I'm so sorry, I need you to stay here and take this and call bam bam and daddy and have them pick you up at the other side of Han river" she handed him a pink walkie talkie, gave him a big hug and disappeared into the big building

"M-mommy, we're are you going, m-mommy? M-MOMMY" he cried as he watched her disappear into the darkness

"D-daddy, mommy left me at de other side of Han river"jeongin spoke into the walkie talkie

"Wake up jeongin, wake up"


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