13 (christmas specal)

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Jeongin pov

I woke up in an extremely dark room, almost like when I first arrived at Chan's mansion but this room was different. There was just about absolutely no light except for the crack under the door and I had to squint to see.

Unlike Chan's basement,  I wasn't tied up, so I stood up and walked to the door to see if it was open and lucky for me It was opened and so I opened it to find two unusually tall men sitting at a game with a gun in the middle if the table

"I see your a wake" the first man said as he patted the chair next to him, signaling for me to sit

"You probably know how you were put up for 20 million dollars but don't I'm guessing you don't know why you are here?" He said

"W-where am I? Where is chan, I wanna go back" I said, while slowly sitting down in the seat next to him

"You will be free to go home if you can make it out of here alive" the second man said

"W-what?" I asked concerned

" we already contacted hyunjin so if you make it out alive you can go home but if not, we'll then that would be a shame" the first man said

"Pick up the gun" the second man pointed at the middle if the table were a 6 round hand gun with only two bullets in it was placed

I picked up the gun

"Now, we are going to play a little game of Russian roulette, your first" the second man said

Little did I know they were recording the entire thing and were going to send it to both hyunjin and chan and whoever could get there first by the end would get to stay with me

The first one was blank..

The second one was blank aswell

But the third one wasn't, so

The second man died, the gunshot making me flinch

"It's just you and me babyboy" he said as he gave me the gun and placed it in my hand, the tip at my temple. I squeezed my eyes shut and cocked it, accidentally pulling the trigger twice but neither of them having a bullet, only meaning one thing

The last one had a bullet, and I wasn't going to die. Just like I said, the other man shot himself and I was the only one remaining in the room

About a minute later, three men in black suits walked in and grabbed me by the arm and dragged me back into the basement were I was told to stay until someone comes to pick me up. About 15 minutes later I hear the front door open and to my surprise I hear the voice of.......


Im going home

Literally murder me bcs I had two tests at school and the first one was math and I did so fucking bad and the second ine was reading and turns out me ( a sixth grader) is at a high school reading level

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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