Chapter 19: Nichts in the Schwarzwald

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Sabrina moved to stand next to Jessa, still feeling unsettled from her conversation with Celestine but trying to put it out of her mind. Hermann was speaking to a group of Nichts while Warren stood beside him, but whatever the elder warlock was saying, it was clear the non-magical men weren't listening.

"I understand about your kind and the treaty...really, I do," a Nicht man said. "But simply because you're forbidden from entering the forest doesn't mean all humans are. None of us can perform magic; therefore, there's no reason we'd be seen as violating the treaty or doing anything wrong."

"The Waldkonig didn't establish a treaty with non-magical humans because he has nothing to fear from you," said Hermann in a voice that made it clear this wasn't the first time he'd explained such a thing. "The only reason he made a treaty with magic users is because he feared us one day banding together and coming after him."

Sabrina wondered it that was actually true, or if signing a treaty had simply been the fastest way for the Waldkonig to ensure he would be left alone. Sometimes the reason you did something wasn't the reason people believed you did it.

The Nicht man smiled at Hermann in a manner indicating no matter what the warlock said, it wouldn't be taken seriously. "I appreciate your concern, but this has gone on long enough."

"This happens every few years," Hermann warned. "Some group tries to enter the Schwarzwald, and it never ends well!"

"Well, that changes today," said the man, slipping a pack over his shoulders and arranging the straps around his arms and chest. The rest of his group, comprised of four other men, already wore similar packs and were shifting were they stood, impatient to get going.

Sabrina wondered if any of them were scared, or if they were so naive, they didn't even realize the danger they were placing themselves in. She considered asking Celestine about their feelings, but decided against it, not wanting to encourage the other witch to use her specific powers without permission.

The Nicht man clapped Hermann on the shoulder. "We're going to keep the first excursion short. One hour to go in, introduce ourselves to the Waldkonig, if he even still exists, and establish an agreement of our own with him. It's going to be fine. You'll see."

Hermann shook his head, then he and Warren strode over to where the other coven delegates waited as the Nicht man and his group made their way into the forest.

"They wouldn't listen," Hermann said angrily. "It's like this every few years...people stop believing the stories of the past and think they must have been either made up or greatly exaggerated, and they're determined to be the ones to prove otherwise."

Sabrina watched as the men slipped between the imposing trees. They soon disappeared from view, and all was silent, save for the call of a crow and the rustle of leaves stirring in the morning breeze. It wasn't a pleasant silence, though, and the longer it lasted, the more apprehensive Sabrina felt...she'd much prefer charging in after the men and dragging them out to standing around waiting for something terrible to happen while at the same time hoping things would be alright.

She was about to ask how long the delegation intended to wait for the Nichts when a crash suddenly rang out inside the forest, followed by shouts that quickly turned into screams of terror.

"I knew it!" wailed Hermann, dropping his head into his heads as Sabrina stared, wide-eyed into the line of trees before her. She could see movement, shadows shifting as figures ran towards her group, arms outstretched, faces contorted in grimaces of fear. As the men ran out of the forest, Sabrina counted them...five had gone in, but only four had returned.

Hermann grabbed the Nicht man he'd spoken to earlier, shaking him hard.

"What happened?" demanded the warlock. "What did you see?"

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