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It was supposed to be a quick and simple mission- stake out the HYDRA base, plant bugs, go home. But something felt off to Steve Rogers. Somehow, he could sense that something else was about to happen...

Steve looked up to see Sam running towards him. "Cap- you gotta see this, it looks like HYDRA is experimenting on teenagers again!" Quickly, Sam showed him the live video feed of an unconscious girl, chained to a table in a room inside the base. HYDRA agents could be seen in the hallways around the room, but no one was inside it. 

Steve turned his head, trying to get a better look at the video feed. "Hang on Sam, does she look familiar to you? I feel like I've seen her before, but I can't figure out where."

Sam nodded, acknowledging that he felt the same way. Improvising on their plan, the two knew they had to rescue the girl. They raced into the HYDRA facility, relying on RedWing to stay hidden, whilst ducking and dodging through empty hallways. Steve soon found the room where the mysterious young girl was located. Upon entering the room, the two's eyes widened in shock and horror. 

The girl was covered in cuts and bruises, and her pulse was very faint. The room was filled with cabinets of painful, fearsome looking instruments, and carts stocked with strange substances in syringes and vials. There were two IV's in her arm, as well as wires connected to her head. Her wrists and ankles were chained to the table she laid on on. 

As Sam kept watch, Steve quickly unhooked the wires and tubes from the girl, praying that he didn't hurt her. Breaking the chains, he signaled to Sam that it was time to go. They ran out of the HYDRA base, Steve carrying the mysterious girl. They were almost clear of the base when they were spotted. Dodging bullets, they finally made it to the drop-zone, where they were safely able to wait for a S.H.I.E.L.D helicopter to pick them up. Steve wondered if Bucky knew anything about this "project". He hated though, to bring up HYDRA to his boyfriend, and wished he could undo all the pain and trauma that Bucky dealt with every day.

As they flew into the sky, the base seemed to get smaller and smaller outside the windows of the helicopter. Sam leaned over to Steve, who was keeping an eye on the girl's vitals in the back of the aircraft. Lowering his voice, Sam asked, "Do you think- I mean this is pretty similar to how Bucky was treated. What if she's the next Winter Soldier?"

Steve sighed. That question had crossed his mind, too. "It's totally possible. I really hate to bring it up to Bucky, but he would know more about this than we do." Sam nodded in agreement as the helicopter flew higher and higher.

Author's Note

annnnndddd- that's the first chapter. this kind of sucked- i'm really bad at writing steve and sam lol. please don't judge my writing off this, i swear it gets better! sorry this one was kinda short, stay tuned for lots of drama to come! 

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