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Not lowering her stun gun, Natasha asked, "And who is your sister?"

Thalia smirked, and Nico said, "Elliot," then looking at Tony he raised an eyebrow and added, "Elliot Stark"

Tony's jaw dropped, and the other Avengers turned to face him, shocked. 


Nat, Tony, Bruce, and Steve sat down with Thalia, Annabeth, Will, and Nico in the armchairs by Elliot's bed. The Avengers noted how the four teenagers edged away from the computers and monitors, as if they were afraid of them. 

Nat spoke first. "Alright- I'm just going to ask what the boys and I are all thinking. How is she," she nodded to Elliot, "related to Tony?"

Will looked at Nico. "Well, Neeks? You know her best."

Thalia halted them. "Hang on. There's no way to tell them anything without telling them almost everything. We need to play this one safe." The teenager stood. "I'll be back- we need permission. Annabeth? Make sure no one does anything stupid. Stark? Why don't you go make coffee for everyone? We're gonna be up for a while." With that, she strode out of the medbay.

Natasha's eyes followed her. "What the hell?"


Roughly twenty minute later, the punky girl returned. Flashing a thumbs-up to the other teens, she muttered something about "being an ambrosia square short."

Nico sighed. "Stark, do you recall a one night stand you had about fifteen years ago? With a dude with a weird ass Greek name? Probably kinda dark and broody?"

Tony looked like a vague mix of shocked, confused, and affronted. "Ah- maybe? Kades or Hado or something? But how do you know-"

Annabeth snorted. "Hades."

Nico took a breath and continued, "You hooked with this guy after a party, and then never saw him again. And- this is might come as a shocker, but that dude was the Greek god of Death and the Underworld."

The Avengers briefly explained that they'd already met the Norse gods and fought with intergalactic aliens so the existence of Greek gods was interesting, but not surprising. Will and Annabeth explained that the four teenagers and Elliot were demigods, and in addition Thalia was the lieutenant of the Hunters of Artemis, and Elliot was a Hunter.

Then Nico continued with his tale, "Since y'know, supernatural entities, genetics and the creation of children is a bit... wonky..."

Here Will chuckled. "Wonky?"

Nico scowled. "Shut up, Solace. Anyway- long story short- from that hookup, a child was created. Name: Elliot Stark. Abilities: shadow-travel, necromancy, natural strength due to being a Big Three (Hades, Poseidon, Zeus) kid. Status: Demigod, Hunter of Artemis. Abused in the foster care system because you're an asshole, Stark, and never even bothered to discover her existence. That's about it."

Tony looked ashamed, but also offended. "How was I-"

Steve looked thoughtful, and interrupted, "Hang on, didn't you say she was your sister? How-"

Will smiled at his boyfriend. "Nico's also a child of Hades, and likely the most powerful demigod of the past three generations."

Steve noticed Nico looking at him oddly. They made eye contact. Nico asked, "Is the serum the reason you look the same as you did in 1943 or is it something else?"

Steve's eyes widened. "What?"

Nico tilted his head, "Annabeth, what's our age difference?"

"14 years," the blonde girl responded promptly. 

The four Avengers turned to the boy. Nico smiled, but his eyes looked tired. "Long story. Involves a casino where time doesn't work. Nothing to do with cryogenics or super soldiers."

Thalia stood up. "Enough of this small talk with mortals. I'm taking my Hunter back to camp, and," she looked pointedly at Nico, "I'll need a ride."

a/n:  i really hope this is interesting! the plot picks up soon- i promise. and don't worry, i'll use other Avengers besides tony, nat, steve, and bruce. i don't really like this chapter as much, it's a bit confusing, but i'll do my best to update soon <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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