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a/n: the heading picture is what i imagine the girl looking like. image credits: portrait of Amina Ependieva by Amina Arsokova- published at 

It had been one week since the HYDRA raid. The girl had been immediately placed under Dr. Cho and Bruce's care. However, without knowing what HYDRA had been doing to her, there was little they could do but assess and heal her wounds. The girl, entered as a Jane Doe in Tony Stark's systems until they knew more, had not yet gained consciousness. 

The girl appeared to be an albino, with abnormally pale skin and nearly white hair. Her hair was cropped to a pixie cut. She was obviously malnourished, and in a generally poor state of health. Bruce noted from genetic testing that the girl also had heterochromia, a condition where the eyes are different colors. However, as she was still unconscious, they hadn't been able to confirm this.

The doctors also noticed that there was something... distinctly off about her DNA, but they were unable to figure just what that offness consisted of. 

All of the Avengers thought the girl looked strikingly familiar. Natasha brought up that she looked a little like Tony, while Sam thought she looked like Bucky. 

They still had no clues as to what HYDRA had been doing to her. There were unable to get any info from hacking into HYDRA's databases, and Bucky said that what Steve and Sam saw wasn't enough to conclude her to be the next Winter Soldier. 


Tony lingered at the entrance to the medbay, looking through the windows at the mysterious teenager. She looked so small in comparison to the giant machines keeping her alive. He felt a sudden, overwhelming wave of sorrow and pity for her. 

"Tony- are you crying?"

He looked up at the sound of Pepper's voice, now aware of the tears streaming down his face.   "I-"

"I know," his wife said, face full of understanding, "Let's get some sleep."


The medbay was dark and silent- it was roughly midnight. Suddenly, a slender Italian teenage boy with a mop of dark hair materialized out of the shadows, leading a taller blonde boy with freckles that appeared to be glowing. "See! I told you I found her!" the first boy whispered fiercely. 

The other boy rushed to the mysterious girl's side. "Oh, Ellie..."

"Will, I'm going back to get Thalia and Annabeth," the Italian boy whispered.

"Be careful, Nico," Will responded, not looking up from the girl. 

Nico quickly returned with two girls, one tall with a goth/punk style and a silver bow slung over her shoulder, and another blonde, with long curly hair tied back in a wild ponytail, wearing an orange t-shirt. Will was bent over the figure of the girl, glowing as he healed the wounds that Bruce and Dr. Cho has been unable to. 


FRIDAY's voice woke Tony. "Sir, there are intruders in the medbay. Would you like to view the live camera feed?"

Groggily, Tony nodded.


Taking in her surroundings, the blonde girl, Annabeth, noticed the security camera in the corner. "Guys- the red light is blinking. We're being watched."

The other girl, Thalia, snorted. "Good. Let them find us," and with that, she pulled an arrow out of her quiver, strung it on her bow, and shot it straight toward the security camera, knocking it off the wall. 

Nico looked mildy impressed from his position leaning against the wall with his arms crossed across his leather jacket. "Nice shot"

Suddenly Tony, Nat, Steve, and Bruce burst through the medbay doors, armed with pistols set to stun. 

"HALT, all four of you!" Steve yelled, "You are going to take your hands off Dr. Banner's patient, put your hands up, and explain to us why you are intruding a high security government facility in the middle of the night!"

A silver arrow flew through the air, pinning part of Steve's shirt to the wall behind him, narrowly missing his shoulder. "You're not in a position to give orders here," Thalia said coolly, lowering her bow, "This girl is one of our's."

Nico stepped up beside her.

"I've come to take my sister home."

a/n: aaahhhhhhhhh i love this so much! please tell me what you guys think so far- i appreciate your feedback :)

Who do you think "Ellie" is? How do you think the Avengers are going to react to the demigods?

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