Chapter 1: quitting her job

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It starts at Timmys house with a mad Vicky.

Vicky: Hey twerp I have a chainsaw with your name on it.

Timmy: We have to go through this everyday I'm sick of it, and I'm not scared.

Vicky: What how are you not scared.

Timmy: Vicky, We went through this for years and I got more not scared as you can say.

Vicky: Well if your not scared then I QUIT MY JOB!

Timmy: What!

Vicky: Bye Squirt I'll see you never hahahahahah.

Chloe: Why is Vicky walking out of your house her shift doesn't end for another 2 hours

Timmy: Bad news, Vicky quit.

Cosmo: Did I just hear that Vicky quit

Wanda: Oh no that's bad real bad

Chloe: Why?

Wanda: Chloe, Vicky is the only reason you guys got fairies but now since she's gone you guys lives are perfect.

Jorgen Van Strangle: Timmy Turner, Chloe Carmichael.

Wanda:  Oh no he's here

Jorgen Van Strangle: Timmy,Chloe, Vicky quit so you guys don't need godparents anymore you can only grant one more wish so make it good.

Timmy and others go into closet whispering

Jorgen: Come out now!

Timmy and Chloe (clones) come out

Jorgen: Now Im going to erase your memory 

Jorgen erases clones memory

Jorgen goes away with Cosmo and Wanda

Real Timmy and Chloe come out of closet

Timmy: Chloe we just lost our godparents we have to convince Vicky to come back into babysitting 

Chloe: Your right let's go to Vickys house

End Of Chapter 1 

The Fairly OddParents in: Timmy and Chloe Lose their GodparentsWhere stories live. Discover now