Chapter 5: Trying Again

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This Chapter starts out in Vickys room

Vicky: Those Twerps I'll get my revenge with my mega mega mega super duper mega chainsaw hahahahahahhaha

Timmy: Ok Let's try this again

Chloe: I wonder how Cosmo and Wanda are

Cosmo: This is our fairy godkid



In a mad and sad tone

Cosmo: I'm Cosmo >:(

Wanda: I'm Wanda >:(

Both: And were you fairy godparents

Meanwhile with Timmy and Chloe 

Chloe: There's Vickys room you go 

Timmy: What why me

Chloe: Because I went last time

Timmy: Fine I'll go

Vicky sees Timmy

Timmy: Hey Vicky can you at least go back a couple days of babysitting

Vicky: Run...

Timmy and Chloe: What do you mean run

Vicky: Run before I actually kill you you have 10 seconds

Timmy and Chloe run to Chloes house

Chloe: I think we're in the clear let's turn on the light

They turn on the light

Timmy: Huh that's weird Usually in cartoons the character would be out the door

Vicky: But I'm in the door

Timmy and Chloe run to  Timmys house

Timmy: Hide under the bed it's the only way

Vicky goes into Timmys room

Vicky: Where are you squirt

Mr.Turner: Here's your money for babysitting Timmy and Chloe

Timmy: Wait a minute Dad Vicky said that she quitted and stayed at her house

Mr.Turner: I can't argue with my son so sorry Vicky no money for you

Vicky: No please I want the money I didn't quit

Chloe: I have proof

Chloe plays the tape from yesterday

Vicky: Fine I'll come back please just gimmie my money

Mr.Turner: Ok then

Mr Turner gives the money to Vicky

And then they leave Timmys room

Jorgen: TIMMY TURNER, CHLOE CARMICHAEL You have accomplished to get Vicky her job I'm going to give you fairies again

Chloe and Timmy hi five

Cosmo and Wanda come back

Cosmo and Wanda: Timmy,Chloe

Timmy: Hey guys

And Then Happily Ever after

The End

The Fairly OddParents in: Timmy and Chloe Lose their GodparentsWhere stories live. Discover now