The Event

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I don't even know if I want to write about this, for fear I might start crying and not be able to stop.

Lance and I were homeless, living together in a tent through the summer. The reasons are many, most were just stupid decisions on my part, but that's not the point.

Mid-summer, we were walking into town on our way to get some tasks out of the way so that we could go on a picnic. This was a huge treat for us at this time. We were living in the forest (and seeing the image of the woman crying against a TREE in the Druid deck gave me goosebumps). As sketchy as this sounds, we were planning so many things-- we were almost ready to get a place together. Things were looking like they were going to get so much better...

And then, it happened. The "event" I've referred to in this blog already a time or two.

We were suddenly stopped by a police officer on foot while crossing Main street. To make a long, sordid and painful tale short-- apparently when we walked out of our camp that morning, a child who had run away from a nearby school for troubled youth was hiding in that field and she was watching us very closely, concocting up a story that would end up ruining our lives as we knew them.

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