Enter the Witch

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Emmah stood on the deck, her head feeling a lot better. She didn't know how her head healed, she guessed it was probably the god. What did he say his name was again? She'll have to ask him when he shows back up. Ask him his name and thank him. Then figure out how he can take me back home. Emmah was facing Captain Vex, Jolly earnestly flanking her. Captain Vex appeared to be sizing up Emmah, looking for any weaknesses and strengths. Emmah tried to look like she was doing the same thing, but she was sure Vex could see right through her. "What is your name?" Vex asked coolly.

"What is your name?" Vex asked coolly.

"Emmah," Emmah's voice cracked slightly from nerves, she coughed lightly and tried again, "Emmah."

"Well, Emmah. We're about to see what you are made of. Do you know how to fight?"

"Does fighting siblings count?" Emmah tried to joke.

"Depends. Did you knock them out?" Vex said a little too seriously.

"Well, um no, but I wasn't- I wasn't trying to- um..." Emmah was trying to regain what little control she had, but only ended up stuttering.

Vex held up a hand mercifully for her to stop, "It doesn't matter, you're going to learn. You're going to train every morning and do chores every afternoon. Over dinner, you and I or you and Jolly," she gestured to him behind her, "Will talk in order to try and get to the bottom of what exactly makes you peculiar. Does that work for you?"

"I mean-" Emmah started.

"Good, let's get started then," Vex clasped her hands behind her back as she continued, "Jolly," she called, "teach her the basics first, then move on to defense."

"The basics are defense, Cap," Jolly replied.

"Look at you, teaching already, Jolly," Vex grinned at him. Jolly only rolled his eyes and grinned back. I swear this is straight out of Wattpad. Emmah thought to herself as she glanced between them.

Jolly looked back at Emmah as Vex walked away. He said with a sigh, "Let's begin then."

* * *

Emmah's whole body hurt. She didn't know how that was training when she practically got beat up. Nothing serious. She had no broken bones, but her muscles were sore and bruises on her arms and legs. Even one on her neck as Jolly tried to teach her how to get out of a choke hold. That did not end up well. Now she was cleaning the dishes from lunch and about to help prep for dinner. After she was done chopping the vegetables, she was to clean and sharpen the various weapons on the ship. She tried to tell Vex that she didn't know how to clean or sharpen a knife, that she was much more likely to cut herself, but the Captain just said that someone would come to show her when the time came.

Well the time came and no one was there to help her. Bitch. For over an hour she fumbled over the weapons trying her best to mimic what she's seen in movies and shows, but whether she was really doing anything, she had no idea. Emmah was in the middle of wiping down a sword when Dane appeared behind her. She didn't notice him at first because she was concentrating on her task so he just stood there awkwardly for a moment. At last he coughed to get her attention and she took the sword she was working on, spun around and aimed the time at him. He laughed. He actually had the nerve to laugh. Emmah's face stayed focused on the spot the sword would pierce. Could a sword even kill a god? She was about to find out she guessed. Dane stopped his laughing, but kept a smile as he raised his hands in a defensive position. He didn't do so seriously, but almost as if to say, calm down you're being silly. "What are you doing?" he sighed.

"I want you to take me home," Emmah angled the blade slightly, emphasizing it.

"No," he responded, a smile still on his face.

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