Forgetting Divinity

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He liked her. He had the nerve to leave her to trounce around with some average mortal. How dare he choose a mortal over the goddess he was bound to. No, Eris determined. This mortal wouldn't, couldn't be allowed to live. As long as she was alive, Dane would never return to her. Eris was going to do anything to make sure Dane was hers. Balance. We need balance. And so Eris snapped her fingers. Balance must be achieved.

* * *

Emmah was all danced out. She had spent hours dancing, laughing, talking - mostly with Dane -and eating. She walked up to Captain Vex, thanked her, and told her that she was going to bed. Vex tried to convince her to stay longer, but Jolly, who hadn't left her side all night, told her to let her go. Emmah didn't tell Dane where she was going because, even though no one could see him, he was still having a lot of fun dancing in the middle of the deck that she didn't want to disturb him. When she got to her room, she took her shoes off as well as her belt and left them on the floor, too tired to worry about it now. Then she let her hair down and turned around at the sound of a knock on her door.

"Vex I told you I'm all danced-" Dane walked through the door, "Oh, sorry Dane, I didn't know it was you." He noticed the discarded shoes and belt and raised an eyebrow to her. Emmah recognized the question without him having to say anything and so she answered, "I would have told you that I was leaving the party, but you looked like you were having so much fun, so I," Dane stepped closer to her with each word.

"Can I have this dance?" he asked, holding out his hand for her, "Or are you all danced out?" he smiled.

"Dance? Here? There's no music though," Emmah said nervously. It's not that she didn't want to dance with him like this, it was just that... well what was it like? What were they? Dane snapped his fingers and instrumental music started playing out of nowhere. "How did you-"

"God remember," he smirked then offered his hand again. This time she took it. He put his hand on her back, and she in turn put her hand on his shoulder. Like this they swayed looking at each other, both smiling. At one point, Dane spined her and pulled her back to him. Emmah giggled. When he pulled her back in, Emmah adjusted herself and wrapped her arms around his waist. He put his arms around her in response and together they swayed in each other's arms. With Emmah's face buried in his chest, his face buried in her neck. How long they were dancing, she didn't know. All she knew was that they were interrupted by yelling on deck. They pulled away from each other and looked toward the door. When they looked at each other, Dane sighed, snapped his fingers stopping the music, and said to her, "Let's go check it out." Emmah blushed before putting her shoes back on and out they went. Together.

When they got to the deck, Emmah pulled aside a running boy, not that much older than Emmah and asked him what was going on. He said they were under attack and pointed to a ship approaching them. Fast. Just a couple miles away.

"No," Dane breathed in horror.

"What?" Emmah was already scared, if Dane was scared, how bad could this actually be.

"This," he shook his head, "This isn't supposed to happen," he started looking around as if he were thinking, or trying to remember.

"Dane. What is happening?" Dane's eyes widened and he looked at her.

"Hide. Stay alive. I'll be right back," was all he said before vanishing.

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