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Rynn can't understand... Is it she is born to please people. She have to understand everyone around her. If she were to states her feelings everything will make it seems like its her fault for feeling like that. Even her life long partner Roy says that she don't understand him. When he is sad he got noone to talk to. Even when he talks to ryna , ryna wont understand how sad he feels. How sad he is losing his mum 10years ago and if he tells ryna, ryna will keep quiet or ryna will advise him to go and see his mother grave yard and talk. To ryna she don't know how to console him.. all she can do is either hug him and told him to say prayers may god pass the message to his mother. What else can she do, if she says too much roy will say she don't understand him. Yes ryna won't know how it feels to lose a mother.  So she will just leave him alone, sad and let him cry.

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