is it all on me

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This week kind of busy for Rynn, she have her designing assignment at the customer office, then she also have her home based food business order....

Her previous freelance boss called her to be on standby to pack hamper and he is paying $10/hr. Being Rynn of couse she will take as it means extra money for the house hold. She told Roy that she have accepted the offer and Roy was furious. He says that rynn have been working all week why can't she stay home on sunday and take care of the kids.
Rynn says that she will bring the kids to her job as the boss allows it. But Roy was too affected that he is not even listening and just walk off.

Bad mood roy venting his angry by scolding the kids at the slightest noise.
At this moment rynn feels like noone is supporting her in her decision. She feels bad that she have made roy angry. Now because of this Roy is giving Rynn the silent treatment. He sleeps in the living room till the kids sleep then he come in the room to continue to sleep. Rynn feels that she have made a very big mistake and she cries her self to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2021 ⏰

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