No Energy? Why?

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Caring for 2 small kids is tiring. Is it?
Whenever Rynn casually says that she is tired, Roy will say you are not working today right? Why are you always so tired you are home all day. Sometimes just sometimes tears will silently dwell at the corner of her eyes and she will quickly wipe it off so that noone can see.

So something after this episodes of tears rynn will try to think back and says to herself.. maybe because i am fat and unhealthy food makes her extra tired .. so she will start to look for energy booster drink or supplements.

Lets take a look at her schedule and judge her. Maybe she is really unhealthy.

8am - wakes up and prepare her kids for childcare
8.30am - Roy will drives approximately 15mins to send kids and Rynn to the childcare.
9am - Roy send Rynn back home. If there is food rynn will have breakfast or else she do some online posting for her online business
10am - Rynn will try to get some eye shut
12.30pm - wake up and bath to go for her  part time admin job at a nearby company . Usually Roy will drive her to work and after that Roy will start working as a cab driver.
1pm-6pm - Rynn Part time job
6pm - Roy will fetch Rynn from office and fetch the kids from childcare together with Rynn.
7pm - Reach home Rynn will prepare dinner and prepare the kids for dinner and bedtime
12-1am - When kids fall asleep usually Roy will request Rynnnto massage his leg as his leg hurts from all that driving.
2am - Rynn will do some online posting and sleep...

By the way, Rynn is also have a freelance job, so if she goes to her job usually either her eldest Daughter will help look after the youngest or when she return she will make them sleep.

Don't get me wrong Rynn loves to work... That is the only way to her to destress.
Before Rynn have kids, she will work from dawn to dusk to help Roy with bills and settling her debts.

Rynn have been working since 14years old hence to her the word hard work is not in her dictionary. She dont mind to work late as long as there is food on the table. That is her principal.

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