10. Magical Lessons

459 6 0

Pairing: Finn/Damon (M/m) hand

Tuesday, June 12, 1855


Guest House Property

Finn was surprised to wake up next to Elijah the next morning. The sun was streaming through the lace curtains and leaving a dappled pattern on the bedspread.

"I cannot believe we slept through the night," Elijah said sitting up slowly.

"A hiding always helps you sleep better," Finn laughed. "But I should not jest, how do you feel?"

Elijah got up and felt his backside tentatively, and answered "Good. I feel fine, but I would like to toss that accused spoon into the iron stove at some point today. That stung like a hundred wasps at once! I suppose you did not get a chance to speak to Rebekah and Stefan about the tree incident last night?"

"Nay, I fell into a deep sleep right beside you," Finn admitted. He was almost fully dressed and sat on the chest at the foot of the bed to put on his boots.

"Before you go, Brother, I think I have a solution to your business proposal. There is something called a silent partnership. We could buy a share in the saloon, but the public records would not reveal that we have part ownership in it. I was thinking of setting up a company where we could purchase lands and businesses under a different name. It would protect our reputation and help Madam Sage stay in business and fight those who wish to shut her down," Elijah explained.

"Very clever. That would be splendid. However, I demand to assist you. If this new proposition causes you undue stress or exhaustion, it is not worth it to me. As a matter of fact, I am going to tuck this spoon in my bureau here," Finn warned with a smirk.

"Of course you may help. I would welcome it. Marcel can also learn how to work around city politics more and how to turn a business profitable. It can work, Finn," Elijah said as he checked his image in the blurry mirror. "You need not repeat...last night again."

"You look good, Brother. Thank you for your help. I have a feeling that Madam Sage is someone I would like to get to know a lot better. Over 800 hundred years in a box makes a man eager for the company of a beautiful woman," Finn said as he clapped him on the shoulder.

"I understand," Elijah smiled back.

"I shall go to Rebekah and Stefan," Finn said as he left the room.

"I will see to breakfast," Elijah said as he looked where Finn had stashed the spoon. Why would Niklaus carve such a thing? He ought to have stuck with chess pieces and small animals.

Rebekah's Room

Finn found Rebekah buttoning Stefan's knickerbockers pants at the knees. He was wearing a sailor suit with a wide, square collar.

"Good morning, why, what a handsome suit you have on," Finn remarked. The little blond boy was shifting impatiently as the beautiful blond vampire dressed him. Rebekah was kneeling and made sure to properly tuck in Stefan's shirt into his pants and comb his hair.

"Rebekah says it is quite smart. I will try not to get it dirty," Stefan promised.

Rebekah laughed, "If you do, we shall wash it. These are your play clothes. Now, run down to breakfast, luv." Stefan let Rebekah kiss him on the cheek and run off.

"I meant 'walk briskly,' young man," Rebekah called after him, but Stefan was already gone.

"That is fine, let him go," Finn said indulgently.

"Finn, what happened to you? You used to be so stern with all of us. When we were in France after we turned, you acted like you despised us and everything about being a vampire. Here, you seem, happy and accepting of our lot," Rebekah said picking up Stefan's night clothes and putting them in the dirty laundry bin. She almost stumbled on a ball he left out on the floor, but her vampire reflexes kept her on her feet. She sighed happily.

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