54. Esther

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No pairing

*Thank you to Jazmine F. for Hank storyline

*Fixed spelling of Esther! 

Mikaelson Estate

Mystic Falls, Virginia

September 1855

Wine Cellar

Kol toed Marcel's seemingly lifeless body and entered the wooden wine cellar door. He smirked as he noticed how Marcel must have lain out his suit jacket on the rough dirt floor. The couple had two lanterns giving off circles of light and creating large shadows. He picked up one lantern and began his exploration. He hoped to revive Marcel and bribe him before the younger vampire ran off to tell on him. Marcel would be vexed, but like anyone, his silence could be bought for the right price.

"They probably have truffles and champagne hidden somewhere...," he muttered to himself. Thoughts of both the lovely Croiá and the spunky Hank floated in his mind. Both girls had their charms, but he felt they were too young for him. One barely 16 and the other slightly older.

Kol's vampire nose led him deeper into the cellar. He saw aged casks of alcohol and all sorts of bottles.
Kol smirked as he pulled out a bottle of D'Oliveiras Madeira and cracked off the top on the stone wall. He took a gulp.

"Notes of marmalade, quince, dried mango and melted candle wax. Exquisite," Kol stated in the loamy air. His voice echoed eerily.

"Hmm, that is odd," Kol said, approaching another few yards through the cellar. There was a large shelf.

Kol set down the bottle and lantern and moved the shelf. No human would be able to move that, even with Kol's strength, it took some effort. A few bottles crashed to the ground and Kol picked up the lantern again. He saw nothing out of place. Kol felt around in the near darkness with the palms of his hands. There had to be something behind this wall.

Using all of his strength Kol tried to slide the wall over. Nothing.

Think like Niklaus, Kol urged himself. What would he have done?

Kol shut his eyes and felt again. Then, he felt it. Using both hands, he pushed on the wall and it slid over on its on volition.

"Must be a pulley," Kol said. The cool breeze hit him first and the scent of stale air and decay followed.

"Tis here. A cave," Kol said, but even his enhanced vision could see nothing in the pure darkness. Kol picked up the lantern and was about to step through and explore the tunnel when he heard the sound.

"Bloody hell," Kol cursed. He vamped to the entrance, preparing to make his entreaties to Marcel. But the vampire was still unconscious on the ground.

"Hank? Tis that you?" Kol shouted.


Hank bore down on Apple and gritted her teeth. Mrs. Smith was on the back of a horse of one of the men who had entered her house. Another man was trying to get ahead of Hank. She was not sure where she was going, but Apple was faltering.

"Go to hell!" Hank had shouted at them all. Then, she saw a man crumpled on the ground and slowed her horse. The man ahead jumped down and tried to cut her off.

"Stop, girly. We got you. We paid good money for you," the young man with a straw hat and a long red beard cackled.

Hank was about to jump off her horse, when she saw movement and heard Kol's voice.

"Kol, help me! He tis trying to snatch me!" Hank yelled.

Somehow, Kol moved faster than she could see. The man's head flew off and landed with a thud a few steps from her horse. Apple bucked and Hank almost lost her hold before she could settle her mount down.

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