- Chapter 1-

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*First Day of School*

Kring ! Kring! Kring! Kring! Kriiiiiiiinnnnnnggggg!!!!


Assual Morning Routine !!!

After i wake up, i entered first is shower room then after few minutes of preparation before going to school,Ofcourse, i eat my breaksfast alone because my Parents left me early to go to their work without notice me if i already wake up or eat my food or so whatsoever!, After that,i left our house and locked it properly then i go to school .

After 30 minutes of travel,

I entered my section room then i sat at the back because i don't want to make chitchat to others. I just want to be alone and also i don't need plastic person, duhhhh!! ( Sorry for inconvenient attitude) Then in 5 minutes, A one Advisor entered in our section room then she started to talk .

Goodmorning! Everyone ! I am Mrs. Scarlet Jade Santos your Advisor in this section then before i proceed to the main topic , I want you to introduce yourself to everyone infront.

Ok first , - Mrs . Scarlet ( pointed the girl infront)

Hi everyone ! I am Ran Mouri , 18 year old, Thank you !

Next ! You,

Hello Classmate! I am Zayne Sanchez,20 year old ,Thank You !

Blah ! Blah ! Blah! Blah !

Next ! Girl at the back! ( pointed at me )

Finally, after a few years ! Hahaha (mind)

Goodmorning Classmate! I am Irish Nicole Kudo, 20 year old , Thank you! -(me)

After a Discussion,
The alarm bell rang ! Which means it's time to go home then while packing my things on my bag , someone talk to me .

Hi - Classmate

Hello, and who are you?-(me)

I'm Trixie Gale - ( She said)

what do you want?- (me)

Oh nothing ! I just want you become my new friend - ( Trixie)

Oh ! sure, and sorry i need to go home -( me)

Ok , see you tommorow! Bye! - (Trixie)

Ok, Bye!(waving) -(me)

In a few minutes ,

At Home .....

Im Home !!!!

I went to my room then i change my clothes after that i lay to my bed ,open my phone and watch my favorite anime(Naruto) while watching, someone knock the door then i open it
i saw my Mom and she started talking ,

What are you doing ? -( Mom)

Laying to my bed while watching anime on my phone - ( I answered)

Your'e always like that ! Irish ! Why don't you stop that !- (Mom)

Why ? It's their something wrong with this ? -(me)

Yes ! Why don't you just find a job then make money !!!! -( Mom) (She shouted at me)

Your'e always like that Mom!!! Im still a student and i want to graduate first before job!!- ( me)

Grow up Irish!!! Look ! other people can study while working and also your'e in a right stage that you need to find job !!!Instead of lying bed while watching that kind of shit !!! -( Mom while shouting)

Mom!!!! Your'e always saying that to me! and also you compared me to anyone instead of support me !! You know what mom!!? Im tired of hearing nonsense of your's!!! - ( I said while crying)

Then she slapped me after i answered her , while crying i talked to myself.
( Ever since , they always like that to me comparing to others achievements and etc. why they need to do this to me ? and also when i was a child they always shouted at me eventhough i didn't do something wrong , I feel like am in the living hell because they don't allow me interact with others , They want me to stay at home all day and do cleaning our house like i am a Nanny not a daughter of Kudo Family , Until now they treated me different person and hurting me physical and also mental but i always smile when other people looking at me to hide all tears in my eyes and heart).

A Few hours of crying ,I fell asleep until morning .

(I want to give some flashback) -
( Author)


(When I was child at the age of 8 Grade 3 Elem. Student, my nightmare was started because when I got home, My Father always scolded me eventhough I am his daughter and he make some physical abuse when he was drunk then mother too always scolded me that I need to do some households in our house. At night before I sleep my body was shaking because pain that I receive everygday . Everytime I woke up it's feel like that it's another day of pain and thinking about myself if am i worth living for,? They always leave me alone inside the house, give me small portion of food, If their's a visitors in our house, they hide me without telling the reason and until now I became a college student they treat me like am not belong to my family.)

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