-Chapter 3-

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*At The Library*

At 8 oclock am in the morning , My English teacher in my first subject  was absent that's why it came up to my mind that i want to go to library to find the book of Holmes Detective because i really love holmes that's why when i am alone i went to library or search it on my phone all the book title that holmes wrote . While searching holmes book, I saw someone familiar then i went to him and then i realize that he is draken or also known Earl Draken, I started the conversation .

Goodmorning Draken ! -(greeting him with smile)

Oh! Goodmorning Irish ! -( Him)

I can't believe that you studied here at Kansai University!! -(me)

Actually, My mom transfered me at this school -(Him)

Why ?- (I asked)

To manage our business near at this school - (Him)

Ok that's great ! and Thank you for comforting me last time -( I said)

Ahahahahaha -(He laugh)

Why are you are laughing? -( I asked)

Nothing ! Like i said before don't always thank to me because it's a part of a job in ourlives to make other people happy -( He said)

Irish? -(Him)
Yes ? -(Me)

I want to give you some piece of advice that comes from to my favorite anime -( Him)

What it is Draken ? -( I asked)

You know what Madara said in Naruto Shippuden ? -(He asked)

Nope! Sorry aint yet watch Naruto Shippuden -(I said)

Oh it's ok ! So here is , - (Him)

" In this world wherever there is a light, there are shadows. As long as the concept of winners exists , there must also be losers. The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes wars, and hatred is born to protect love". -( He said)

(Because of his words that he shared, I started thinking about my Parents who always hurt me in different ways . There are some questions that i want to ask them . If they love me ? If they are happy that i exist? then while thinking i didn't realize that Draken calling me .. )

Hey ! Hey ! Hey! Irish !! -( Him)

I-i-i-im sorry Draken, Im just thinking about something -(Me)

I knew it ! Is it your parents again ? -(He asked)

Yes , and i just want to ask them some question -( I smiled with fate)

You know what Irish? No matter what happen our Parents love us but they afraid to say to us that's why they tried to show it or express there feelings slowly - (He said)

Thank you again Draken and i am so grateful that i have a friend like you -(I said with smile)

Your'e welcome ! By the way , I got a go ! I have some staff to do- (Him)

Thank you again ! Goodbye ! - (me)

Bye! Bye! -(Him)

*waving at each other*

After that long day, I need to go home before it's getting dark that's why i ride a bus immediately and in a few minutes , I already at home then go to my room to do some homework before i eat dinner. When i am done to do staff , I go downstairs then i saw my parents eating.  I seat beside them then i started asking some question about why did they need to do some abusive thing to me since i was young until now because i want to know their answer or reason behind those thing eventhough i am there only daughter.

Adopted (Seeking for Love)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя