-Chapter 4-

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*The truth behind*

In this chapter revealed the truth behind of being abusive to their daughter eventhough is a small reason or mistake they got easily angry to her .

Mom, Dad? I want to know the answer of all question i asked to both of you -(Me) (serious tone)

What kind of bullshit you asked?? -(Dad with his angry tone)

What do you want?Money? to make some disgusting things ?-(Mom with sacrastic face)

WHY THE BOTH OF ARE SO MEAN TO ME?? -(Me shouted at them)(started crying)

You want to know???-(Mom with angry tone)

Maybe this is the right time to tell her the truth Trixie -( Dad with serious tone)

(When Dad say that word ,I feel nervous with some reason)

Ok, maybe this is the right time that you need to know everything -(Mom with serious tone)


20 years ago, While we are having party in our house , Someone push the doorbell then suddenly open the door and shockingly we saw a baby in front our door also the baby is you, We don't know what to do that's why we gave you to other people but they gave you back to us after a few months with some reason , That day we didn't ready having a baby because we want to still enjoy being ordinary boyfriend/girlfriend and not yet ready getting married the suddenly you appeared infront of us with shockingly expression of thinking what we need to do , After that my Parents came and saw me(Trixie) carrying you then they mistook everything that you are my daughter and i hide you in few months without telling them that i got pregnant but i tried to explain but they didn't give me a chance to explain and even a bit listen !! After that my parents decided i need to get married immediately but i declined because weren't ready yet! Then they ask me if i want them to abondon me and take all everything to me or get married to my boyfriend(Justine Dave), I don't know what to do that day until i cried and cried while begging to my parents to not to do this to me but they don't listen instead forcing me forcing us to take the marriage. That's why all my hatred and angerness in my heart , I throw all to you!!! because YOU RUIN MYLIFE !!!! (shouted).

*End of Flashback*

After all these years until now !! my angerness to you never faited !!! -( Mom)

You know what!!! We want a daughter that came to us not an adopted !!! - (Dad)

They just forcing us to take care of you !!! that's why until now you are alive !!! -(Mom)

Mom , Dad!!!! It's not my fault for being adopted ! It's better to me to be dead than to live like a hell in this house because all mylife i always end up everyday scolded!!, physical abuse without knowing the reason but all these years of being treated in this family, I still love you both because i believe someday, You learned to love me back even a bit . -( me while crying)

After saying that to them , I run upstairs while crying because i can't believe that behind of those abusive act, I am adopted ? Who is my true parents ? Why they abondon me ? They don't love me ? I asked some question to myself but i don't know the answer.

Morning 9 am at the Park,

I went to park to let go all the sadness but everytime i cried it's really hurt in my heart and always asking that why did they let me alive ? then i cried again and again, In the middle of emotional scene, Draken came to the Park with his dog and surprisingly he went to me and asked why am i crying then i shared to him everything happen .

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