Chapter 5

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-At the park-

While murmuring at the park , Draken suddenly appeared then he saw me crying that's why he went to me to asked if i have a problem . I ignored him first because im still at the shock stage and ain't ready to share it to him or to other people but when i look at his face , I saw a face expression of one friend who ready to listen anytime then i decide to tell him what happen yesterday.

Irish, can you share to me what's your problem? I listen -(E.D)

Draken, my parents tell the truth that i am adopted-(me) (*sobs*)

What?-(Draken shock)

Yeah you heard right, I'm adopted child -(me) (crying)

It's their a problem of being adopted? -(He asked)

Ok, I tell you the story behind of being me adopted-(I said)

Then i tell him the story behind the past and what happen yesterday,

(My Mom told me everything like when she was young at the age of ain't ready to married and in the middle of their party, someone doorbell the she saw me(baby) infront of their house and after that, The parents of my Mom came and mistook everything that my Mom and Dad hide me because they afraid to tell the truth that they already have a baby eventhough im not . After all in how many years my Mom life become miserable because of me - (I said while crying) and They decided to adopt me and married immediately even they don't want. Mom told me that her angerness never faited until now because i ruin her life (i cont.)

Based on what i heard , I must say that your parents is horrible but in my opinion they live you because look what you now? You eat 3x a day then studied at school because they can't easily abandon you and i felt that they love you but they are scared to show it to you -(He said)

Oh really? How can you say that? Your'e not in my position !!! -(I said with angry tone)

I may not in your position now but i felt it because i can feel when a mother love her daughter or son so much !! -(He said with serious tone)

All of us are having struggles in life then if we can't handle? We can share to other and we listen to their advices, It is up to you if you take it or not -(He said)

I'm sorry of i got angry to you-( i said with sincere)

It's ok Irish and i know it's hard for you to forget those bad memories -(He said)

As of now, I don't know if i can handle all of this in my situation now -(Me)

I think you need to rest your mind now and if you feel ok , you can go home because their's no problem can easily overcome.-(He said)

You need to face it slowly and everything will follow.-(He Cont.)

Thank you so much Draken, I am so blessed that i have true friend like that can understand me(even my own problem). - (I said with smile)

No problem with that because me? I may not easily overcome my own problem but i smiled because every sadness that's comes from this world gave to us, we need laugh/ smile to cover it for other person who needs us '-( He said)

Like what you said before, It's are job to make other people happy and give them advice as much as we can. -(I said)

Yes your'e right! That's why you need always wear your smiling face. -( He said)
(I smiled at him) - (Me)

After that, we end our conversation and got home.

Their's a lot of things yesterday and today happen but i need to be strong and wait for them(Parents) to say that they love me, because eventhough i am adopted? I didn't feel that i am adopted in this family. I must say that i am really lucky to have a friend like Draken because he always there for at the time im in a struggle or if a problem.


After 10 years ...... (Fast Forward)
    After all in the past years, I graduated as magna cum laude and i have a permanent job now that i can support my Parents financially. Their's a lot of things change in the past because now, my family from miserable to peaceful life, now where happy together and we start our new world. Happily ever after, because before my life is full of lies, begging for love, seeking for fulfillment that can cover the hole in my empty heart and also until now I and Earl Draken is bestfriend forever.


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