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A/N: Hello everyone! This chapter is about the background information of this story. I don't own any of the characters and some of the ideas and dialogue for this book, they all belong to the amazing Tui T. Sutherland. Also, this is my first ever book on Wattpad, so please don't be mean. It is probably gonna be really cringe, but I'm trying, so leave me alone.

So in this story, the characters are humans. Obviously. I did make some changes to make it more like a human society and here they are:

So The Talons of Peace is called the United Peace Association or the UPA. Because obviously talons are not relevant to humans and the name "Hands of Peace" just sounds weird. And the Dragonets of Destiny are called the Prophecy Children or the Propheciets, which are horrible names l know, but l couldn't think of anything better. All of the different tribes are still called tribes but instead of for example "the NightWings" it's the "Night Tribe". But if you are addressing a singular NightWing it would be Nightperson (just using NightWings/Nightpeople as an example, same goes for all of the other tribes). Since dragon years are very different to human years, l will be changing the ages up a lot, but there won't be a consistent number of years I will be adding. The hair here will be a lot of rainbow colours that aren't usually natural hair colours, but I'm making them natural in this fanfic. Instead of firescales l am making it Fire skin. Which instead of charring you to a crisp or lighting you on Fire, will give you lethal boils that will kill you in minutes. If a Fire skin person touches an inanimate object though, it will just char and then disintegrate. Since scavengers are humans in the original books, l am making them wolves, that they are figuring out how to tame and make into pet dogs. Okay, here is the discription of the different tribes:

Rain Tribe: They can go invisible and change their appearance to look like anyone they want. They have hair that changes colour with their emotions (this uses the same colour to emotions thing as the original WoF). They usually have very tanned skin, due to the amount of sun in the rainforest and can have very vibrant blue, green, orange or yellow eyes. 

Night Tribe: They have they ability to blend into the night. They also lie about all of the most being able to read minds and tell the future. But like in the original WoF some of them actually can (using the same moon to power thing as the original WoF). Some of them have very light and pasty skin, if they work on the island or slightly tanned skin, if they work in the rainforest. They typically have black, dark purple or dark brown hair and dark green, grey, brown or light black eyes unless they can read minds, in which case they have purple eyes, the vibrantness depending on the intensity of their power.

Sea Tribe: They are AMAZING swimmers and can breathe underwater (how you ask? I don't know they just can) and see in the dark. Every person from the Sea Tribe has markings along their arms, upper back and sometimes face that can glow in the dark and that they can flash in aquatic (just like for SeaWings, there is a certain pattern for royalty). They have tanned skin and any shade of blue, green or teal, light pink, dirty blonde, pearl blonde, light black or light purple hair. They also have green, blue, stormy (which is grey and blue, it looks like a stormy sea) or grey eyes.

Sand Tribe: They have microscopic barbs on a certain part of their forearm that shoot out and stab you, shooting venom into you and killing you in seconds. They can also survive the dessert and scorching heat, occasionally breathe a small amount of Fire and go a week without water and a month without food. They have dark tanned skin, dirty blonde, brown, black, yellow, pale yellow or gold hair and amber, light yellow, obsidian or light brown eyes.

Mud Tribe: They have the same sibling bond as MudWings. They are also very strong and can disappear into mud. Some Mudpeople (like Clay) have bodies immune to fire. They have any shade of brown or dirty blonde hair, dark tanned skin and and any shade of brown or hazel eyes. 

Sky Tribe: They survive best in high altitudes (mostly the mountains), are great fighters, can breathe a lot of Fire and can hover about 20 feet in the air. They typically have any shade of red or orange hair and amber, red, orange, teal, blue or grey eyes. As well as light or lightly tanned skin.

Ice Tribe: They can freeze things with their hands (not Elsa style, more like touch it and concentrate, and it freezes), survive freezing temperatures and withstand blindingly bright light. They have pale skin and any shade of blue, grey or stormy eyes. As well as ash, ice or platinum blonde or ice blue hair.

A/N: Hello everyone! I hope you understood the stuff about this story. Sorry if it is a bit too specific and stuff, I really like explaining stuff (I say stuff too much). The next chapter will be about the characters. Warning: please don't kill me for this, but l changed some of their names to sound more human. So if you don't like that, don't bother leaving a hate comment, just don't read. Bye!

BTW I have finished the next chapter (s), I just need to edit them.

Wings of Fire as Humans Book 1Where stories live. Discover now