Chapter 1

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Clay wasn't sure if he was ready to fulfill the prophecy and save the world, heck he didn't even think he was the right person for the prophecy in the first place.

All his friends had something going for them. Starflight was smart, Samantha was ferocious, Gloria was quick witted and Sunny was sweet. Clay didn't know what he was. Sure, he was okay at things, but the world needed someone who was more than okay, it needed someone who was outstanding.

Right now though, he needed to focus on not dying in the next 3.5 seconds. Kestrel had managed to pin him against the wall, her hands were held around his neck, sharp nails digging into his flesh. "Let it out" she yelled "let the monster inside you run free" then in an slightly more annoyed, but equally as yelly voice she added "fight me you coward, are all Mudpeople this weak, or is it just you?"

Clay had no answer to that. He had never been outside the confines of the stone walls of the cave that had housed his entire life for all of his 16 years of being alive. He knew he had a family out there somewhere, obviously, and that they were also from the Mud Tribe. But he had never met them. 

You see, Clay and the other Prophecy Children were chosen to be part of a prophecy and be the saviours of the world. Or something. They were supposed to end the long war between all of the tribes by choosing one of the sand princesses. But none of them were particularly appealing, Blaire loved to kill everything and didn't mind what got in her way because all the more for her to kill, Blicia was not strong enough to kill everything but she was smart and known to play dirty and Bliss was neither of those things, she was beautiful and nice but was supposedly about as smart as a drunk chicken.

"Can l maybe fight one of the others? Because y'know they're my size" he asked Kestrel. She snorted, "which one the puny Sandgirl or the stupid, lazy Raingirl?" "Gloria's not stupid or lazy" he protested "and Sunny's actually really strong if you give her a chance." "In your dreams" she snarled, and proceded to dig her nails harder into his skin. Clay prepared himself for unconsciousness. This was always how training sessions went, Clay was always unconscious by the time they were done.

He could hear Samantha tiptoeing into the room, startling him from his thoughts. She slowly walked toward Kestrel's back, she looked happier than she probably should, given what she was about to do. With one swift motion, Samantha was now to one pinning Kestrel to the wall. "You know" she said "if you give someone enough concussions, it could give them brain damage." Kestrel had a smugly impressed look on her face, "where the hell did you learn that?" she asked. Samantha blushed, "Starflight told me" she mumbled. Kestrel laughed bitterly. Samantha let go of her neck. "Another failure for you Mudboy" she said "your file is looking worse and worse with each training session." She walked away down the hall. 

"You okay?" Samantha asked. "Yeah. Fine. Thanks for saving me, Kestrel is totally going to beat you to a pulp during your training tomorrow though." She fake pouted "Aww." She said "Kestrel is always a sweet little angel though." Clay laughed despite himself. "Ow" he said "your making it worse, l think my entire skeleton is broken." Samantha rolled her eyes, "If your entire skeleton was broken, you'd be dead. Now jump in the river, it'll numb your pain." Every time someone complained she'd just tell them "go jump in the river," to shut them up. She didn't even care that she was the only one in the cave that liked to swim. The river was a literal river. It ran the length of the caves that served as living quarters for the Children of the prophecy and their guardians. And it was cold as all hell. Clay didn't mind getting wet, but he hated the freezing cold river with every fibre of his being. Samantha didn't care though. She grabbed his leg and started pulling him towards it. "Noooooooo" he cried. But he didn't really get to finish his scentence because Samantha dumped him into the river.

The icy water came as an shock. And for a moment Clay was to frigid to swim, but  eventually he managed to feebly float to the surface. When he did, Samantha was beside him, floating on her back like a starfish. Coincidentally, she had been wearing her bathing suit underneath her clothes. Which meant that she had been planning to dump him into the river this whole time. Clay was still wearing his clothes. Samantha looked so graceful in the water. It was her element, as it was for most of the Sea Tribe. Her bathing suit was a pretty dark blue bikini. Clay felt like a boring blob next to her. He wished that there was even just a tiny bit of mud down here. For once, Samantha was right. The cold water did help to soothe his 'broken' bones. "Kestrel will be sorry one day" she was saying. "When I'm Queen of the Sea Tribe." "I thought only The Queen's daughters or sisters could challenge her for the throne" Clay countered. "Well maybe l am" she relied, looking wistful. "Like in the book," now her eyes were full on shining. There was an old fairytale called 'The Lost Princess' that Samantha loved, maybe because it made her dream. "Do you think our parents are still out there?" She asked. He thought of all the lives lost in the war, and he wasn't so sure. "Sure. I bet they tore up the world looking for us when they first lost us" he said. Samantha gave a short burst of bitter laughter. "The UPA sure knew what they were doing huh? Nobody will ever find us down here." "Unless..."

Her eyes lit up, brighter than Clay thought was humanly possible. "Unless we run away." Clay stared at her, astonished. Sure, Samantha was impulsive and had big ideas. But he'd never thought that she would suggest something like this. Clay shook his head "nah. The UPA have to let us out eventually, so that we can go home, remember?" "First we save the world, then we go home" she reminded him. "Why would we run away? How could we even get out?" he asked. He had thought that they at least a few more years before the saving of the world , or whatever was supposed to happen. To be honest, he thought he would never be ready to save the world. He thought that the guardians- Kestrel, Wade and Dean would at least help then a little bit. And besides nobody knew the location of the Phopheciets except for the guardians, and they always kept the door closely guarded whenever they went to get food or other supplies. 

"We can't do it all ourselves!" he cried. "We totally can" Samantha quipped "that's the entire point of the prophecy, dummy." "I'll think about it" he said, just so she would stop arguing with him. "DINNER, RATS" Kestrel called from the cave that served as their kitchen. "Looks like that's are cue" Samantha said "Race you." She whirled around, heading for her 'room' so that she could get changed. Samantha must've hit her head. There was no way they could stop the war on their own, and she was crazy to think so. Maybe She was a strong warrior, maybe Gloria was too. But Sunny and Starflight......  Just thinking about them made Clay want to summon the monster inside of him, like Kestrel wanted, just so that he could protect them. 

But then he thought of his unknown parents, and all over the others', and fulfilling the prophecy and ending the war. And he wasn't so sure. Maybe they could do it..... Their own way.

A/N: I hope you liked the first actual chapter of this story! Sorry if it was a bit cringe, like I said before this is my first Wattpad story. I know it was really similar to the original WoF chapter one, but the there are more plot twists and changes coming. Please leave a comment, I would love your opinion.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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