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Ino lay with her cheek pressed to the cool surface of the wooden desk. Platinum locks fell over her vacant eyes and she made no attempt to push the locks away.

She should have been paying attention to what was being said but it was the last period on an extremely long Monday – there was no way she could pay attention so early in the week. Besides, it was Asuma's period which meant that all they would be learning about would be something highly mathematical. Ino let out a sigh as the one hour period dragged on into what felt like forever.

This past weekend had drained her of all of her energy and she was left with an empty shell that would undoubtedly take the entire week to recover from – and just in time for the weekend too. She had gone partying the entire weekend to try and fill the void that had been created within her but as soon as the music stopped and she was back at home with just her thoughts, the void came back with full force.

Shikamaru had been neglecting her recently and it had created a void in his absence. Gone were the days of having a loving boyfriend that would go out with her or heaven forbid take her on a date every once in a while even if it was just cloud gazing. No, Shikamaru had done everything to avoid her over the past few weeks and it seemed as though that wouldn't be changing anytime soon.

Hell, she had even tried offering him sex and he turned her down.

Shikamaru NEVER turned down sex. It was the only time that he found her to not be troublesome but that was mostly because she did all of the work while he lay back and enjoyed it. And yet, four and a half weeks later here she sat, without any attention from Shikamaru whatsoever.

It killed her on the inside that he was neglecting her without giving her any proper reason. She couldn't remember being a bad girlfriend. She never bothered him by dragging him to the mall whenever she wanted to go shopping because she knew that it was troublesome and that he preferred to watch the clouds. She didn't nag him to take her on dates but rather woke at a ridiculous hour to make a bento that they could share while relaxing in a quiet part of the park. She had even gone out and bought a book that explained everything about clouds so that she could lie next to him and watch the clouds just so that she could be near him.

The shrill sound of the bell ringing brought Ino out of her vacant state and she picked up the bag that she had dropped next to her table and left the classroom. She hadn't bothered unpacking her things like everyone else so it made it all the more easier for her to leave before everyone else. She would call Sakura later and ask her to email the notes that she missed.

Ino trudged down the front stairs of the school building and slid into her car. Her movements were on autopilot as she drove home and before she knew it, she was lying facedown on her bed. She shuffled to the edge of the bed and pulled out a shirt that was long overdue for a wash. Ino pressed it to her face and inhaled the feint smell of cigarettes and freshly cut grass.

She pulled her cellphone out from her bag and dialled Shikamaru's number. Even if he didn't pick up, at least his voicemail would speak to her – it was better than nothing.


"Sh-Shikamaru?" Ino asked in surprise.

Today was the first day that he had answered her calls in weeks. It was the first time that she heard his voice speaking to her and not the voicemail message that she had heard three hundred and seventy-six times.


"I'm so happy to hear your voice Shikamaru," Ino beamed. His voice sent her heart into a flutter and her cheeks pinked at the mental picture of him that her mind projected.

"Mendokusei…" Shikamaru sighed.

"I really missed you this past while but I know that you've been busy."

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