Before I Die

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Why do you write about being in love when you've never been?
Oh, my fault, shouldn't have imagined some thing I never seen,
It's so absurd to have thought of a fantasy in my mind,
How dare I write about someone unreal who's not even mine?

Why do you write about the dark when light is a better topic to paint?
Oh, but I know my soul is a servant, the words are the saint,
It's quite hard to determine what they talk about behind my back,
Do they hate my words of darkness or love them like they said?

Why do you write about heartbreaks when you've never been broken?
Oh but have you seen their flushed faces with a look so frozen?
Because I know they want to ask me why do I keep breathing?
When all I ever do is write about sweet and slow death innings

Why do you write about terrible and hopeless suicides?
Oh, my bad, is it death that I want? I should really decide,
I want to keep everyone in the dark now but I really won't lie,
There's still a lot of dark and lovely poems I have to write before I die


I remember writing this one winter morning when I wasn't really in a good headspace. And it's still one of my most favorite poems ever written. Dark, but yes.


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