2 | Hunting

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[C H A P T E R  2]


Everyone was packing, ready to go while the two girls have no idea what'll happen but they just followed, the maids and guards were brought up to a bus and the driver started to set off with their masters' car in front.

"Now, gentlemen, as usual, pick a ball, what ball you got and she'll be your partner," Pitch said and open a box full of balls which each of them had written numbers of the maids from every master.

This is just like their tradition, every time they went hunting, they gonna do this, and the maid who was chosen will be their partner for a day―the master and the maid have to work together to hunt. The team with the most animals will win the small contest they held.

The master who won will get to choose one maid he wanted to take from anyone.

Jaguar―he named himself with that just because he loved Jaguar―how ironic―anyway, he started to pick up a ball written number 230 B, "I got yours, Black, she's my soulmate" he grinned, quite satisfied with his choice.

Black―he named himself with that because he loved black color―he shook the box and pick up a ball written number 43 CN, he was disappointed since he aimed for the newbie, "your turn."

Adrien aka Chat Noir, named himself because he loved to dress in black leather like a black cat, he picks up a ball written number 547 CN, "the newbie," he chuckled, "must be fate, your turn, Blood Hunter."

Jack aka Blood Hunter, was his nickname because he loved to hunt―especially humans―he picked up a ball written number 546 BH, he surely was not expecting a newbie for his partner, just his luck.

"Seems like both of you are ready to lose." Black chuckled, handing another box to Chat, "pick what masterpiece will be hunted today as the last-time winner."

He picked out a ball-written fox in it, "damn, this will be hard."

Black expected him to pick that because he needed to win and took that newbie, he sorts of cheating, all the balls were written fox except one ball wrote dog. He had prepared all things, including killing Blood Hunter.

He despised him for such a long time and always seek opportunities to trap him, but he never succeeds, Blood knew the fact but didn't quite bother since he always escaped his trap.


"Ladies, the lucky numbers were 43 CN, 230B, 546 BH, and 547 CN, find your masters and get ready for today's hunt." A guard announced.

The girls immediately cursed themselves for such bad luck, "damn it, I can't even ride a horse." Elsa murmured.

"This is why, Elsa, you should've learned how to ride a horse with me back then." Marinette rolled her eyes.

What terrified Elsa more was the fact she has to be her master partner, which was so creepy, "I'll off first." Marinette said and went to Chat.

Elsa sighed and walked to Blood who was ignoring her all the time, "don't waste my time and get on the horse."

"The thing was―"

"Cagna inutile." He murmured coldly. [Useless bitch]

She silenced herself and looked down, not sure what he was saying, "now."

Blood helped her to get up on the horse, and he got up on his, "don't do anything, just follow me." He ordered which just received a nod.

"We meet again 547." Chat smirked, looking at his partner, Marinette rolled her eyes―although she knew her life was in his hand―Marinette just never wanted to listen to anyone―just the Mari in her.

Graham de VanilyWhere stories live. Discover now