3 | Addicted

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[C H A P T E R 3]


The masters and their maids rode their horses back to the appointed place, and the masters were happy—especially Chat Noir.

He grinned victoriously, looking at his animals but was soon, distracted by a guard yelling at him.

"What's wrong?" he asked—gluing his eyes on the animals—ignoring the guard's seriousness.

"Mr. Blood was in the hospital with his maid." The guard said while trying to catch his breath.

"What?" Chat hardly believed what he just said, there was no way he could be in the hospital just because of some stupid hunting, he barely even stepped inside the hospital. Marinette who heard everything grew worried.

"Is his maid, ok? Which hospital are they?" She panicked.

"They were at Arendelle's hospital," with that information, Chat Noir ran to his car, if his best friend―one of the most ruthless mafia—was in the hospital, then something must have been going on.

Marinette ran up behind him and sat in the passenger seat, "what are you doing?" he asked, buckling his seat belt.

"If Master Blood Hunter was there, that means Elsa was there too, I need to check on her, just drive!" she yelled, Chat gave no response and drove full speed to the hospital.

Luckily the hospital was not that far and they arrived in minutes. They got out as Chat tossed the car key to the security guard there. They went to the receptionist, but the look of the nurses there was fear.

"Where is Blood Hunter?" he asked in a hurry which make the nurse flinch and shakingly check the list.

"Make it hurry, you are so damn slow!" He yelled making her shake even more. "Look, he is not intimidating, ok? Just search." Marinette spoke calmly which calmed her just, a very little bit.

Chat looked at her and she looked up. They got the room number and marched up there, but Blood was already sitting on his bed, looking at the white wall. 

"Damnit, are you pulling pranks on me?" Chat asked, looking at Blood Hunter who looked too healthy to be in the hospital.

"I'm not—"

"Listen here you little piece of shit, where is Elsa?" Marinette cut him off and looked at him.

Blood looked at her boldness, he was surprised by himself too, what a tough maid Chat has.

He was about to open his mouth again when Marinette spoke first, "I don't care if you want to kill me, torture me because of being 'rude'," she did an air quote, "just tell me where Elsa is and you can punish me." She finished.

"She's in the next room." He said and she went off without saying another word.

Both eyes followed her until she disappeared, Chat focused back on him, "seriously? Why are you here?" he raised an eyebrow.

"I'm just tired, I took the maid here and passed out, that's all."

"Tell me the deeds, you have never done that to anyone, any maid." Chat said, closing the door and making sure no one can see them. He opened his mask and sat on the chair.

"Nothing, she's one lucky maid and your maid is the trouble here." Blood rolled his eyes and took off his mask too.

"She is so bold and I am attracted to that." He smirked.

"Looks like I'm gonna have to punish her."

"Just punish her by taking her into my room at night, you know what I mean."

Graham de VanilyWhere stories live. Discover now