Chapter 3: A new page

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Author notes: Hello for the people who are reading this, idk why u r doing this, my writing is mid at best. Anyways I just wanted to let you know that I'm sorry if the chapters are cringe or edgy I'm still trying to find my style

10months later

The last 10months went by fast for our protagonist. He spent most of time studying his new world. During this time he gained an decent understanding of the heroes and villains of this quirky socially.

True to her 'promise' Toga dropped by every week, along with her varying moods. Seriously, she reminded him too much of richard...

However, although they dont know each other too well considering, he can tell that something is bothering her. Lately, the vampire wanna be toga seemed more exhausted than before.

But who was he to judge, after all they barely talk even though she comes by every week, Its just for an quick 5minute chat.

Looking past that, they got along well. Who knew that crazy and bat shit crazy balance each other out.

Furthermore, during this time jason utilized one of the biggest skills that he mastered during his time as the arkham knight, preparations.

Currently he is standing outside of UA, he's wearing an brown leather, millitary pants and an black bullet proof proof shirt with an altered bat logo underneath it. Also, he's carrying his signature double pistols along with an grappling hook underneath his jacket.

Although he's been getting disapproval looks from the kids also attending the enterance exams. It was expected considering that he looks like he's being killed, brought back to life then got beated up even more. This time his appearance may not have been deceiving.

Its may have been an surprise to his younger, innocent self that he managed to pass the written portion of the exam.

However, he was no longer that innocent boy he once was. Ever since he's been resurrected, he changed. After all, he was batman's greatest failure and that's a big thing considering that the batman have let thousands to be murdered by the joker. He was an prime example of what you will become if you give into desires.

He has sacrificed everything for revenge, and for what, he wasnt even able to pull the trigger when its came take his vengeance.

During his time as robin, he always felt left out by other heroes. After all, he was the wolf in sheep's clothing. The rat that managed to sneak into the Wayne family. An undead zombie fueled by the wrath of the lazuras pit.

During his little rant, he forgot about his environment and started cursing under his breath ( using words that I shall not use to poison the innocent reader's mind)

This got the attention of a certain blue haired boy. And after this so called boy has presented his question to present mic, and scolded an mumbling student. He decided to voice his prolonged disapproval of the hooded ex-crime lord.

"You, in the leather jacket! How dare you use such atrocious vocabulary during such an important event! Cant you understand that this day will decide not only the fate of the people attending, but the future of society! If you do not wish to take this seriously, I'm sorry to say this but it would be better if you leave, if not then please stop using such swear words young man!" Shouted the angry lida.

To his dismay, jason just ignored his scolding and carried on his use of totally kid friendly analysis of his past.

Our highly educated protagonist used his colourful vocabulary to describe how he "fucking hates clowns" and how he wishes to "put a crowbar up that maniac's as-" (pardon me but the people holding me at gun point to write this story dont pay me enough to paint such an image in your heads)

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